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First Run: Critical Lemon CBD Auto

8 months ago
a year ago
Week 1 First run with this set up and my first grow in a loooong time. The whole set up is based in a wardrobe as my partner isn't fond of this pass time so its all filters, odour neutralisers and as much hidden wiring/sound as possible. Upside is that it's pretty well insulated so temps and humidity seem to be quiet stable in there. Anticipating needing more dehumidifying as we go. I know running two autos in this tight space as a first isn't ideal but best way I have ever found to learn is to make more mistakes faster :D Goal Get at least one of these plants to Harvest, Amount ,Potency and Quality are all bonus points. Plan for germination / seedlings Lights: keep the Light/Dark at 18/6. Height will be higher for germination. It will be lowered if temps dip until seedlings come up. then I will adjust pending on temp and how strong the seedlings seem to be coming on. water: Keep em from drying out, light watering once-twice as needed. (not dry and not swamped) anxiety: Gods I hope these pop. Day 1 8/04 Prep Running two 4 gallon fabric pots with BioBiz light, didn't totally fill them to buy a little more head room as I'm running two in a pretty small tent. Soaked the soil set the light low on them to bank a little warmth into it and waited a couple of hours to let the water soak through. Now the light is about 60cm to add a little warmth seeds planted around 2x their height. Checked water Ph out of tap its in the 6 range and theres very low treatment in this county. we are set up as we mean to go on Day 4 12/04 No shoots yet :( but while my anxiety climbs I know that's not unusual. I kept an eye on the temps and humidity in the tent, had one day where the temp dipped to about 18C (midday, we are having a cold snap) but aside from that its been 22-26C with humidity staying between 58-66%. The soil has been kept damp using an improvised watering can(in this case a wide neck plastic bottle with holes stabbed in the lid) so the water doesn't change the depth of the seeds. Hopefully in a few more days there will be seedlings. #Edit Hope was good got home after work, came in to water them and the Critical Lemon is sprouting. Come on Zamaldelica you can do it. Day 6 Critical Lemon is doing well. Shell was stuck but let it get a bit damp and some gentle work with a pair of tweezers got most of it off, a little stuck to one of the cotyledons but the first set of true leaves are already coming in so I'm not going to fuss it Zamaldelica is still a no show. Lessons Learnt from this week 1) I am way too anxious (and have too few seeds) to not keep a closer eye on them as they pop. Until I am more established in my set up and practice it will be sterile water on paper towel in a ziplock. 2) I will try and check the long term weather before I start. We went from high teens- low twenties to skimming above 0C. Even insulated in the wardrobe that drop in temps got steep and ment I had to make some on the fly changes and guesses to keep things going.
Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
a year ago
5 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
50 %
21 °C
4 L
60 cm
Nutrients 1
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Day 9 17/04 Critical Lemon is past the cotyledons has true leaves we have reached Veg. Aside from a slightly stuck seed case all was well until it started showing signs of stress yesterday evening. Some research suggests it's a bit of over watering and too much light. So switched back from 24hr light (I went to 24hr to counter a really cold spell where I am that was dropping the temps in my tent a lot more than I had expected) to 18hr to try and reduce stress and while I had been giving a bit more water to try and up the humidity, I have switched to watering around the edges of the pot more and am going to try placing a separate try of water in the tent. Zamaldelica still a no show. if it doesn't show up by the end of this week I will see if I can reclaim the seed and give it a last chance in a bag with a wet paper towel. Kinda down to have a no show so early on, but that's part of the game and why I started with two. Day 11 19/04 Critical Lemon Chlorosis has spread but shes putting out new leaves and her current ones are still growing, slight curling up at the edges, hasn't been watered yet and to try and help the process along I dug a small channel about 4 cm out from the base to try and improve drying speed through increased surface area. Zamaldelica I got frustrated figured maybe I'd over watered that too so I gently moved the top layers of earth until I found the seed, un-popped. She has gone into a bag with a damp paper towel as a last chance Could be the temp drop that came in, Could be me giving too much water. I don't have much hope but we will see. As it is 420 I can atleast pick up some more seeds to learn with :) Day 13 21/04 Critical Lemon So Chlorosis at the base of the leaf is still there but the ends look healthy. While deeper in the pot is still damp its more than finger depth down so last night at the start of the light cycle I gave it a light watering to get things going, dont want to end up absolutely drying out swapping one stress for another as I thought that might of been the reason for the new leaves growing a little odd. symptoms seem to be - light clawing up at leaf margins, chlorosis at base of leaves and new growth. Can't find a match to symptoms, so going to try a very light dose of nutes (200ml of 1ml/L BioBizz Grow) to see if things pick up tonight at the start of the light cycle. Zamaldelica no signs of life. I think I will call it on this one (sorry little one) Day 14 22/04 Critical Lemon I figured out the issue, the timer wasn't set to 18-6 L-D but to 22-2 L-D (I know I was careful to set it so fiik how it went wrong) I dropped it right down to 16-8 to try and give it time to not stress. Probably fucked things shes a little short and has burn marks on one of her first true leaves and the margins of a new growth look singed. Checked the soil. under the surface it is damp but not wet so she will be ok for another day. As the Chlorosis looks reduced hopefully this change to light will fix it all and this girl who is fighting hard will get to put on some real heavy growth. Zamaldelica She is gone, but I want to order some of these seeds again to try out. (though it'll be a few grow cycles later as I picked up some interesting seeds from the 420 sales) Lessons Learnt When the plant tells you what is wrong, listen to it ffs! Had I done that and double checked my hardware set up I could of improved things five days ago. (if it looks like light stress, walks like light stress and quacks like light stress, guess what it probably is!)
Week 2. Vegetation
10 months ago
6 cm
16 hrs
25 °C
50 %
21 °C
4 L
0 L
70 cm
Nutrients 1
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 1 mll
Week 2 of Veg Update so far 15 days since the seeds where planted direct into the earth, already lost the auto Zam the seed case popped but she didn't do anything else :( could of been me, could of been a dead seed. Still got the Critical Lemon (CL), but she has had a time. My on the fly fix for a serious drop in temp when she was very early (dialing up the light to keep the room from dropping down past 10C worked for the temp but tied with some too frequent watering she got stressed, I thought I'd dialed it all back got the water right she still seemed stressed till I realised I still had the lights set for too long. That was about 2 days ago. The fix was to let the soil dry out a little before starting every other day with checks, a dose of 200ml of 1ml/1L BioBizz Grow (to make sure everything she needs is avilable) and setting the light dark to 16-8 and raising the lights a little higher for now. Day 15 23/04 CL Those two first true leaves have reversed the chlorosis ( thank the gods) and are looking better, and the second set seem to be expanding and growing out a better shape. First node is putting out its next set of leaves, so I think she is about to start picking up, I still have some of the weak nute mix from a few days ago, so I think I will throw that on in the next watering. This girls been a fighter, lets get her fed, watered and strong. Day 17 25/04 CL a day on day off watering schedule seems to fit atm as the soil is holding the water and I don't want to flood her out. shes getting a light nute mix every other water now, but I think her next one will be at a full 2ml/l as shes nearing the 10cm mark. as she is putting out her first branches and getting a little taller I need to start having a think about LST and directions. Day 19 27/04 CL The picture doesn't do it justice, shes much greener than she was and the new leaves are coming through quicker. including the first set of true 5 finger fan leaves For what should be a fast auto shes behind schedule and shorter than I'd like but I think tomorrows nutes will have a good impact as she is definitely more stable now so death is less of a worry. noted that the ends of her top leaves are crinkled, going to have to look up what that signifies. #Edit# I know I said tomorrow, I meant later today for the nutes. While I was feeding it, I spotted this on one of the Cotyledons (one that had been a funny shape after getting stuck in the shell.) That's right, my girls got a bit of mutation. In this case it has taken the form a fascination, clustered leaf growth around the base. Will keep an eye on it. Day 21 29/04 CL I think I finally figured out the issue causing the Chlorosis, it wasn't light stress, but a deficiency https://www.growweedeasy.com/cannabis-plant-problems/sulfur-deficiency (could be because of the over watering flushing the already nute light soil). There is some "crinkled" growth on the leaves that grew with the deficiency but I'm going to monitor this and the new growth to see if it clears up (doubt it is a virus like mosaic) Now the real interesting part for me is this fascination growth in what would be 1st node (cotyledons) it looks like it is trying to split off a whorl of leaves and maybe a new stem? I had thought I would start some LST now she has hit the 10cm mark so I'm thinking bend her away from that side to give this growth more light, bring the side stems out and tuck the leaves around to give all the lower sections (mutant and regular) more light. Lessons Learnt this week Maybe it looks, walks and quacks like light stress...but it can still be a deficiency. Also over watering or too frequent watering doesn't just affect the plant but can change your soil.
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Week 3. Vegetation
10 months ago
9 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
50 %
21 °C
4 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 1
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2 mll
Week 3 Critical Lemon (for those who haven't followed, Auto Zam failed at germination so this is a single run) Veg is going ok. Chlorosis is reducing The nutrients seem to be helping to fix this so she is getting alternating full strength 2ml/l Bio-grow (around 3-400ml pending on moisture levels) and a weaker .5ml/l to keep a steady supply of nutes without burning. once shes looking better I will drop back Day 23 01/05 We looked established enough to start our LST, I have pulled the main stem over away from the mutation and pulled the primary side branches out diagonal. Just realised I took the photo before I folded the larger fan leaves out the way but yeah that's done too. This way the mutation site that seems to be trying to form a stem gets a little more light(I'm curious as to what she will do). I also noticed a bare whisp of scent, so nice to have these little mile stones to let me know that I haven't totally mucked it up. Next step is to keep her watered, fed and to wait an see. Day 25 03/05 Shes taking ok to lst so far, growth is curving nicely and now 3 side shoots are about level with the primary. There is a forth but it's a little small atm but once its a bit stronger I will train that to the light. Mutant shoot is still coming along with an odd 4 finger presentation but healthy colour and stem growth. I have a little chlorosis in some spots but it looks to be clearing up still. The pics I have hear are mostly taken under the lights (its the best time for me to remember to take em) so she looks very yellow in those compared to life. Day 27 05/05 LST/leaf tucking was adjusted as shes growing pretty fast, most of the branches are the same height but there are two who are lagging behind, I think the new growth covered them more than I anticipated. Lower growth is healthy though it has its spots of damage, mostly from water droplet on the leaf under the LEDs being too intense, and old damage from what ever was wrong with it. New growth starts off a vibrant lime green and darkens at a good rate. The mutant branch is still growing, I cant get as good a look at her as I want due to placement but shes got her own things going on and looks healthy. Nearing the end of week three. I've not seen any sign of flower yet and I'm keeping an eye on the mutant branch for stress herming. I'm guessing this next week will be when we see this start as from what little I can find on this strains growth rate 75 days germination to harvest is the number most places give and her height should max out 80-90cm (without LST I think she would be about 20 now) So we are approaching the half way point. Lessons Learnt Once you get to this point in growth, you don't need to be too delicate with water and nutes, I was worried that I'd be giving her a burn but the bio-grow seems to be gentle enough for her to chug. Shes also bushier and shorter than I'd anticipated, I need to look more into my knowledge on the forms the different strains take so I can plan things better.
Used techniques
Week 4. Vegetation
10 months ago
16 cm
17 hrs
27 °C
60 %
21 °C
4 L
0 L
60 cm
Nutrients 3
Fish-Mix - BioBizz
Fish-Mix 2 mll
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1 mll
Week 4 Start of week update. (remember Auto Zam didn't germinate so this is just Critical Lemon CBD Auto) 29 days since puttin' seeds in soil. Tops are yellow to green though lower growth is happy, our PH for everything is in the 6 range. Soil isn't staying wet, but is allowed dry out a tad. so this is looking more and more like light stress, lights at as good a height as I can get, soooo I guess I can try dropping her down to 14hrs L 10 dark. But first I'm going to try out Bio-Bizz Alg-a-mic (1ml/L each watering) as thats ment to help recover from stressors so lets see if we can get that better green colour and keep the longer light-growing time. I am also going to try out the Fish-mix for this last week (two full feeds, 1 half feed). Its reccomened by BB to switch Fish-Mix for Bio-grow when flowering and I'll throw in couple of their others in during flowering. Day 29 07/05 Re-arranged the LST and tucking to keep a good spread of stems for light and air(might have to do some level of defole if it doesnt get a little taller.), got a loevly nose full of scent (Lemony with a lil skunky and spicey tinge) Gave her the first full feed of Fish-mix and a dose of Alg-a-mic to see if that sorts out a bit more of the chlorosis on the tips. Inspite of the stress shes still growing well and the mutant stem is growing well only strange ness is it's 4 finger leaf structure and the florret growth at the base. I've also adjusted the secondary fan to see if we can help cool her and upped the power on the extraction to bring the Humidity down a bit) nothing to do now but see if my adjustments resolve things. I have high hopes. Day 31 09/05 Re-arranged LST again to keep up with growth, she's a lovely lemony skunky scent Chlorosis seems to be reduced again, all lower growth is a good aside from the odd old injury or singed site from water on leaves under LED. So either my adjustment of the cooling fan is helping or the Alg-a-mic is doing what its ment too. Eitherway, todays feed will be light fish-mix and stronger alg-a-mic (1ml/l and 2ml/L respectivly) I know I'm likely being overly cautious with the nutes and could go harder, but I'd like to reduce her signs of stress before I start pushing it. Day 33 11/05 Need to keep on top of the LST, she grows and shifts quiet alot which is good to see. Trained the main stem out the edge of the bag today, the secondaries are looking that way too while tertiary and quartarnery are filling up the center. Plan for the future here is to put in a net, once we get a bloom strech coming in, to add support. Her top leaves are a birght lime but getting darker. Lower leaves are looking fine for the most part, aside from the odd crinkle or damage portion. Most of it looks like hold over formation damage from light stress and burns from water on leaves under LED. She will get a 2ml/L of Fish-mix and Alg-a-mic tonight as it seems to be helping her more. Day 35 #######Halfway of the named grow cycle######### We have reached preflower! The early signs are in by like a day, so all is still to play for. I have added in her first light dose of Bio-Bloom along with the last full dose of Fish mix, for somereason they reccomend switchin over to bio-grow during flower, soo I'll not argue (though I might test next run) Shes still bright at the top, and has some scortch on her leaves and crinkles but hell shes made it this far. the alg-amic is doin a decent job slow but steady. profile shot shows shes still a short one but that main stem has bent over nicely allowing for a fairly even height of my 9 side branches, when she starts to strech I might defoliate a couple of the lower leaves as they where so close to the ground they got water damage and look like an infection risk, shes been so short and bushy I think I need to re-visit my watering method. Aside from a little bit of leaf tucking and adjusting one tie to try and use up athat open space on the bottom left LST hasnt needed adjusting, think its another sign she is getting ready. possible future ideas drop her down to 12-12 Light if the stress doesnt improve past this by end of the next week (or if blooming starts) screen for support maybe adjust main stem LST into another direction?? long term start planting in a different location to allow for more efficient LST, look into defoliation techniques. Lessons Learnt this week. progress can be slow so start early. watering systems beyond a bottle with holes in the lid and a funnel exist for a reason. ok thats gettin a little too real I need to remember I'm growing this to get high
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Used techniques
Week 5. Flowering
10 months ago
20 cm
16 hrs
27 °C
60 %
21 °C
4 L
0 L
50 cm
Nutrients 4
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 1 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 1 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2 mll
Week 5 Flowering begins, signs started a few days ago and I was too wiped with a bug to spot them, soooo now shes definitely showing a deficiency. I'm guessing its one tied to flower developement. Aside from that shes growing well in general, starting to strech so I need to keep an eye on my LST and keep some gentle traning. Day 37 15/05 So yeah deficiency because I missed signs of flowering starting, hopefully a full range of flowering nutes and a decent drop of bio-grow. my soil also seemed much drier today than usual so I've prepped an extra dose of water and nutes for tomorrow if she needs it. That being said as always the pics look alot more yellow than she does in life, so lets see how this goes. we got this. Day 39 17/05 Shes growing well, lots of flowering sites, had to give her a lil LST to keep the three longest from getting to tall and burning out turning white. I've been giving her a little more water and nutes this time just to help her along but so far it looks like shes stayed a she no sign of herming going to put in a net to try and help the spread as the LST getting trickier with how bushy she grew. Day 41 19/05 Shes drooping when I go to look at her today, though the surface and edges of the pot seemed dry enough to want a bit more Im going to have to let her dry a little. The yelllow leaf at the bottom of the pot is an older fan leaf I tucked out to the way and gets no light (plus I think my tucking it may have damaged it) Definitely need a net as her top growth is hard to keep level with the lower growth, even with LST. she is still looking like she will survive and I will get something out of this :)
Used techniques
Week 6. Flowering
10 months ago
25 cm
14 hrs
27 °C
60 %
21 °C
4 L
0 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 2 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 2 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 2 mll
Week 6 Well into flowering now, streching up and back to a known working watering schedule, though I upped the amount a tad. Shes still showing these odd patches of deficiency, it looks like its PH shock, which is odd as everything should be the same as always :/ will need to pick up another PH monitor to see if I have fault. also dropped light by two hours to try and help with the temp to make sure I don't bleach her. Also upped the nutes as BioBizz reccomend Day 43 21/05 Some of the lower leaves where withered and dry so I removed those to limit risks of infection and make sure nutrients are not being mis directed. some decent growth though she is still small and stunted. but flowering is looking ok, temp ranges seem fine Humidity is high in and out the tent so I will have to add something in there are we progress with flowering and of course a net to help spread things out if she gets taller. Day 45 23/05 Plenty of flowering sites, no signs of stress from the light defoliation (crispy leaves from the bottom anyway) new growth doesn't show much stress only brand new growth is lime green which seems to just be normal for this strain, as its all evening out as it grows. Still stretching but I think she will stay fairly short, but with all these healthy side stems I think she will be ok. Day 47 25/05 Still no net and my top most stems where looking stressed so LST to bring them back in line with the rest, had to do it an odd way but hopefully I will have the net I need soon aside from that we have lots of heat and rain here atm so humidity is now measured on the swamp-o-meter and my babies blooming so in goes a De-humidifier bringing it down to 50%+/- Day 49 27/05 End of week 6 finally got a net to stop her gettin' too tall as she seems sensitive to the light so we are now doin a kinda LST/ScrOG thing. (the nets hideous, be damned if I could find one for the tiny tent. so its a mix of an oversize and paracord tie ins. so she is woven into it, its not perfect some places have contact with the cord where I don't want it but most of it is ok and the same hieght. Some of the earlier pistals are darkening which is a worry (hopeing its not bud rot :/ trying to keep humidity down atm is hard af) but we have the first signs of trichomes coming in. Things Learnt Humidity control in a small tent is difficult when the whole city is a swamp, I need to invest in more controls for it. My plans for two plants in this tent may be, over confident with my current set up. (think may be a bigger single pot like a mini SoG
Used techniques
Week 7. Flowering
9 months ago
25 cm
14 hrs
27 °C
60 %
21 °C
4 L
0 L
45 cm
Nutrients 4
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 4 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Week7 Flowers, Trichomes and realising why shes has signs of nute deficienes and was so small....I totally mis read my nute sheet and was using waaayyyy to little. This has also been a long week and was busy soo its a late update. Day 51 29/05 Upped the nutes a little more than I had originally planned due to my stupid mistake and under feeding her the whole time, re-tucked things a little and checked her over. Day 53 31/05 upped the nutes again a little again going for a slow increase, she shows no signs of burn or stress so good to go. Everything is going smooth. Day 55 02/06 Screwed up a little I fed her last night rather than tonight I got in after a wedding and thought I had missed a feeding rather than doing on too early. but this was the full strength feed, lets see how she goes. Lessons learnt re-read the nute schedule. ffs.
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Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
9 months ago
26 cm
14 hrs
27 °C
55 %
21 °C
4 L
0 L
44 cm
Nutrients 4
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 4 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Week 8 flowers look good, high humidity hasn't ruined things, shes lil but shes good. Lovely smells of citrus and earthy tones. I can see those trichomes coming in. Sadly her lower main leaves (and only those) are yellowing, Im hoping now im back up to proper nutes she should pick back up after another couple of days. She just has to get through two more weeks or so and keep developing, Day 57 04/06 just hoping she keeps developing, shes basicly been defoliated by her self sooooo im hopefull that this will push her through and keep all those nutrients going up to the top. lots of nice flowering sites. Day 59 06/06 So her main buds are doing ok, still no mold, I have the humidity down to 55%ish so that seems to be survivable. A little sign of yellowing on one or two bud leaves, it seems to only be on the tallest on the side of the lights. Lower leaves are still yellowing and dropping, but from reading around this could just be senescence. Day 61 08/06 Much the same as before but I have cleaned up her lower leaves, I wouldn't count this as defoliation just care (though the effect looks the same) I'm going to drop her light down to 12-12 at the end of this week to try and reduce risk of burning my buds. Day 63 10/06 Last day of this week, checked everything over still got some odd signs of light burn on one or two leaves and the lower leaves are dying off. Definitely seeing the flowers developing still and not showing signs of yellowing on the wide scale, just odd patches here and there. I'm impressed by how much those flowers have bulked up in the week, hope they keep getting fatter and frostier. Lessons learnt Plants age and will drop leaves as the focus on flower development increases, so long as flowers are healthy try not to worry. Though she looked small those flowers are bulking up so remember things aren't over until they are over (for good or ill)
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
9 months ago
26 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
55 %
21 °C
4 L
0 L
44 cm
Nutrients 4
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 4 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Week 9 Last 10 days before we hit what is likely to be end stage. Her lower leaves are slowly coming off, working up the stem (senescence I think) but the flowering sites are looking ok aside from the odd yellow spot but I think that is light stress, which seems to have been a problem for this plant the whole grow (dropped her to 12/12 now. Shes not as frosty as I'd hope but as I said at the start of this grow, I'm looking to finish a successful grow and learn how this set up works, got three good sized colas, and a nice handful of smaller. Still running nutes, the Biobizz chart says to flush at this stage but I will only hold off for maybe the last 4 days as she was underfed for a while (because I'm a god damned dumb ass) and lets be honest, when a breeder says yields in 75 days they mean their fastest ones finished in that time. This girls had some stress and some fights so I'll let her run as long as she needs. Scent on my hands after working with her are sweet lemon and spice with touches of that earthy kinda hash. Gives me hope. Day 65 12/06 Tidying up any dead leaves, checking for mites and mold (nothing found), adjusting the net and older ties just keeping and eye on her. Day 67 14/06 Older lower leaves yellowing and slowly dropping, trichomes are coming a lil more. Either swelling and clouding or more of em the loop I have is crap but either way I'm chuffed. also it turns out when you open tent, that scent I was noticing on my hands...yeah floods out I was just dealin with hayfever and couldn't smell as much. Day 69 (nice) 16/06 Senescence continues lower leaves dropping, Flower coming in nicely, the pictures do not do justice to how well the trichomes are coming in (shes not going to be winning any awards but shes looking good). Realised the loupe I picked up is intended for checking bank notes and it kinda shit for checking a plant soo I will be judging things on pistils until I can get a better view. Still it looks like Advance Seeds where dead on with their estimate of 75 days (so much for it only being the fastest of the bunch lol)
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
9 months ago
26 cm
12 hrs
20 °C
55 %
21 °C
4 L
0 L
44 cm
Nutrients 4
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 4 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Week 10 I don't expect this to be a full week, we are in the close. Some buds pistils are full change and from what I can see trichomes are cloudy. Main buds still have a little way to go. Day 71 18/06 That's right I'm still feeding her. All my reading is pointing to a flush not really changing things and as she has had a few missed feeding lets go hard to the end. I have dropped her water temp and I'm thinking to throw a couple of cold packs into the tent (if needed the temp has dropped in general here.) Senescence (apparently named the fade and the reason I couldn't find data on it) continues lower leaves slowly yellow, dry and fall off I clean her up a little each feed. Will probably remove the net tomorrow to start preparing for Harvest. Day 73 20/06 Still going, the humidity here is stuck insanely high so hopeing for the best. aside from that more pistils darkening no sign of amber trichomes yet my phones camera is still awful but I will ask to borrow my partners. Day 75 22/06 Sooo this is fastest ready time for this strain, we aren't far off but my estimate of this being done this week? nah its still going to need some more time, I got to borrow my partners phone, though no pics from it(shes worried that her work will see, so i tired my best with mine) We have white trichomes and clear no amber, im going to aim for the start of amber developement to get that full range and to make sure as mny of the trichomes are atleast developed first. Day 77 24/06 Still going still nothing by way of Amber Trichomes Not sure I'll bother with pics of today(I folded) as its just a bit more of the fade a little little whiter on the buds from frost not mold thank the gods. Humidity is still high. Lesson learnt this week oh my god is this part hard to wait for, come on I want to get you dry so I can start the cure and my next grow.
Week 11. Flowering
8 months ago
26 cm
12 hrs
27 °C
55 %
15 °C
4 L
0 L
44 cm
Nutrients 4
Alg-A-Mic - BioBizz
Alg-A-Mic 4 mll
Bio-Bloom - BioBizz
Bio-Bloom 4 mll
Bio-Grow - BioBizz
Bio-Grow 4 mll
Week 11 Still going, been just maintaining nutes and conditions as best as I can with the high temp and insane humidity (70-90% out of tent most of the week kept it around 55-60% in tent). Along with that its been daily checks for mold and pistill/trichome colour. This week is a bit of an after action report as its been one of them weeks outside the grow. Day 79 26/06 Week started shes still going ok, slow fade started to see some of the leaves just below the flowers going on secondary stems Day 81 28/06 Starting to see leaf margins of leaves in flowers getting crispy. Day 83 30/06 Today I think I spotted some darkening on the main flower at the top I pray it is not mold. But in the borrowed cameras pictures, if you zoom in around we have Amber Trichomes and all pistils across plant are orange. Lights out after tonight as it is HARVEST TIME BABY (either 01/07 or 02/07 pending on outside grow factors) Lesson learnt No matter how isloated you think your system is outside factors can and will fuck with you.
Week 12. Harvest
8 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
I'm new to indoor growing (this is the first grow), and have very little growing experience in general. So this plant has tolerated alot: Stupidly low levels of nutrients for multiple weeks. Over watering multiple days in a row. a couple of weeks of a much longer light schedule than intended. Yet she still grew, survived, flowered and produced much more than I had expected. (37g: 22g good bud, 15g popcorn and trim) I'll be back later to continue details post Dry/Cure and Use (I'm back and the tldr: sweet spice taste with a balanced high that probably won't knock the head off of anyone with a decent tolerance but is more like a really cozy relaxed buzz.)
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Spent 79 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
110 g
Bud wet weight per plant
37 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Uplifted, Relaxed
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Pain, Stress
Medical effects
Citrus, Sweet, Earthy

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Night air temperature
Pot size
Lamp distance
Day 84 Harvest time 01/07 From seeds into soil to chopped and hanging. I gave her a rough wet trim focused on none trichome bearing fan leaves and clipping off the bare ends of some longer sugar leaves. Why the wet chop? simple the humidity hear starts at 55% and goes up to 90% -_- We are going into a colder (13-15c) and much wetter couple of weeks, so if I can keep that humidity down in the tent but get that nice colder air in we might be in for a good slow cool dry then into jars for curing. I chopped her late at night (seemed appropriate given I planted her about the same time) and my partner was not happy with the strength of the smell (think of someone lighting 1000 citronella tea lights, with that green fresh cut smell with an earthy peppery edge) So I didn't get a chance to take a wet weight, but I will come back with a dry weight once I'm jarring her up.
Equipment Reviews


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ChefDan420commentedweek 118 months ago
Sexy bitch 💃🏼
MrHappyCatcommented8 months ago
@ChefDan420, Cheers man, she is indeed :D
Boogie_Growscommentedweek 48 months ago
looks good, I'm currently growing this also. is it a slow flowering strain? im at day 40 and not even a single white hair. its like its just frozen in time.
MrHappyCatcommented8 months ago
@Boogie_Grows, Hey man, aye I've been keeping an eye on yours to see how its going as not many seem to grow it. This grow has felt a lot like it gives little signals while slowly building up in the background before it takes its next step. I had a lot of the grow sites getting really light but no flowers, till it flipped and all sites had plenty in under a week. (either that or my out of practice arse missed things 😅)
the end.
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