day22 - Started this week with some LST. Tied down 2 fan leaves and 2 sideshoots to start leveling out the top.
Followed by foliar (wakame + few drops of lavender essential oil) and watering with 0.5L + my lentil root juice.
Luckily no more signs of fungus gnats or other pests for now.
Have noticed minor tacoing of top leaves due to heat from the light. Installed 3x12cm top vents with DIY carbon filter. Quite restricted airflow, need to monitor the situation.
day23 - Added a small fan to move air above canopy + improved airflow of top vents.
By the afternoon she is noticably loving the new vents. Looking happy. 🌱😁
day25 - Morning LST + watering 0.7L (molasses, worm castings, seaweed). Removed 1 top leaf to allow light to lower shoots.
day26 - Morning LST + removed 2 top fan leaves.
Light adjusted to 84 watts. DLI 28.
She is showing further sings of stress (asymmetrical nodes). Need to be more careful next time with ventillation, topping (too early). (And perhaps feeding? :))
day27 - LST adjustments + foliar seaweed.
day28 - Small LST, removed 3 top fan leaves. Bottom watering 1.5L (with worm casting, epsom salt, diy bone meal).
@Puff_TM_Dragon, Wishing all the best for your Opium! Happy to hear she is finally up, and sure those couple of days will be nothing in some weeks.
Enjoy the grow!