I needed to repot the plants one more time as the soil was too wet and didn't start to dry out in any way. That was probably a lot of stress for the plants and they seem to be struggling a bit.
I already postet a question about that issue and got some advice saying they probably got too much water. I think that was the case.
One of the questions also mentioned about my light setup that the 600W LED was with 25inch way too close to the plants. The light was dimmed to 30-40% the whole time, just wanted to let you know for clarification, seems as if I'm not able to comment on your answer.
Regarding the lighting setup I made another change away from the Fecida 600W Led to an AC Infinity Iongrid S22, positioned 40cm (16inches) away at 30% dimmlevel.
UPDATE 23.04.2024 22:48 CEST:
I just wanted to let you know that I was able to get my plants to look better following the suggestions I got to my recent question. I continued watering very sparingly and adjusted my lamp to a height of 45cm on dimming level 3/10, which should be around 250-290 PAR. It really helped a lot. Thank you very much! I added an image from about an hour ago.
I'm having a little bit of a problem with my plants and I can't figure out what's causing it. I added an image to week 1 veg, you can see the leaves are curling down and show some red/brown spots in the center. Anybody have some advice?
Since yesterday morning, at least I noticed it at that point, the leafes of the #1 are looking a bit odd, can anybody tell what could be the problem or whether there even is any?
Looks like it wants some Magnesium and maybe is overwatered or under.
Limp Leaves + Stiff Stems = Over
Limp Leaves + Limp Stems = Under
Purple stems and yellowing of the leaves like that is tell tail Mg defencity. epsom salts are easy and cheep source of Mg
Good Luck!