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Tropicana Cookies Auto Outdoor

7 months ago
Room Type
Grow medium
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
26 L
Pot Size
a year ago
Nutrients 3
Organic Coop Poop 1.321 mll
Glacial Rock Dust - Gaia Green
Glacial Rock Dust 3.963 mll
Blood Meal - Espoma
Blood Meal 0.793 mll
Seeds were left in water overnight to simulate an all night soaking rain. The next day they were direct sown .75" deep into moist soil. They were left outside and because of the 40° nights took 4 days to pop. The soil was premixed with 15ml of rock dust and top dressed with the above listed nutrient at the listed ml rate per gallon of soil. 35ml of coop poop and 21ml of blood meal were mixed together and top dressed in a ring around plants, when they popped.
Used method
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
a year ago
4.45 cm
13 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
55 %
10 °C
16 °C
10 °C
26 L
1 L
Nutrients 3
Jobe's Organics Annuals and Perennials 0.793 mll
Organic Coop Poop 0.793 mll
Blood Meal - Espoma
Blood Meal 0.528 mll
Temperature, humidity, and soil are the average for the week. These get well water and it's about 50° and 7.2-7.6 ph. They're fastbuds and they can handle it. I added 20ml coop poop, 20ml Jobe's, and 15ml blood meal as a top dressing on day 1 this Week. I only added a pinch near the stem. The remainder was spread evenly in a circle to the outer edge of soil. The listed dry nutrients above are measure in ml/gallon of soil. Everything did good this week. The 38° nights at the end of this week brought out some color in the new growth. The higher pH in the soil is slowing down iron uptake. I fed them a mixture of 8ml biomin iron per gallon of water on day 7
Week 2. Vegetation
a year ago
5.46 cm
14 hrs
21 °C
No Smell
55 %
10 °C
18 °C
13 °C
26 L
1 L
Nutrients 3
Jobe's Organics Annuals and Perennials 0.793 mll
Organic Coop Poop 0.793 mll
Blood Meal - Espoma
Blood Meal 0.528 mll
The weekly forecast turned to high percentage of rain every day for the rest of this week. Night 4 and Day 5 we had heavy rain and thunderstorms. Day 6 was heavy cloud cover all day with high humidity. Day 7 we had lots of rain and drizzle. Night 7 we had more rain. These two girls seem to love it. The haven't missed a beat and got a boost when they tapped into the fertilizer. The listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil and we're fed during week 1.
Week 3. Vegetation
10 months ago
12.7 cm
14 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
55 %
10 °C
19 °C
14 °C
26 L
1 L
Nutrients 1
Ferrous Sulfate-Diamond Brand 0.66 mll
The cold weather and rain in the first two weeks definitely held these back. We had upper 70's F starting day 3.These girls are loving the warmer days and nights and have sped up their growth. More rain day day 4 then intermittently through the night and into morning of day 5. Day 6 we saw cooler temps and more intermittent rain in the evening and through the night. Day 7 temps stayed cooler and we had thunderstorms theater night. I added Diamond Brand Ferrous Sulfate at the above listed rate of 2.5 ml/gallon of soil in day 6. I distributed these granules evenly across the top of the soil. Using 7.6 pH well water creates challenges in keeping iron and phosphorus available to the plants. Adding this amendment acidifies the soil and provides a readily available and lasting iron supplement during veg.
Week 4. Vegetation
10 months ago
31.75 cm
14 hrs
23 °C
No Smell
55 %
10 °C
19 °C
14 °C
26 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
Ferrous Sulfate-Diamond Brand 1.321 mll
Blood Meal - Espoma
Blood Meal 0.351 mll
We had rain morning Day 1 and the previous night. Early morning Day 2, around 2-3 a.m., we had thunderstorms with strong winds and heavy rain. This was followed by sunshine that afternoon. Despite the 5% rain forecast for day 3, we had a thunderstorm. It produced heavy rain and strong winds. For about a hour in the morning Day 3 and that evening showers. Day 4 was all day sunshine with a lite breeze. That was excellent turn of weather to dry out the soaked soil. Day 5, 6, and 7 we had sunshine and a breeze. I added 2.5 ml of ferrous sulfate per gallon of soil on day 1. I added a second dose of 2.5ml ferrous sulfate per gallon of soil top dressed on day 5 for a total of 5ml/gallon of soil, top dressed for the week. I added 1.3 ml/gallon of soil(10ml) blood meal, top dressing on day 5. I watered on day 6 and 7. The ferrous sulfate really began to work on day 6. On day 7 they had a healthy even green color and are rdy for the stretch to begin flower. These plants surviving and thriving through the challenging spring weather and grower proves how resilient these fastbuds genetics are.
Week 5. Flowering
10 months ago
63.5 cm
14 hrs
24 °C
65 %
10 °C
20 °C
14 °C
26 L
1 L
Nutrients 2
Diamond Brand Ferrous Sulfate 0.357 mll
Blood Meal - Espoma
Blood Meal 0.357 mll
Temperature and measurements listed in grow conditions are averaged for the week. The listed pH is the soil pH. Nutrients listed in nutrients section are ml/per gallon of soil. Day 1 we had rain showers in the morning and throughout the day. They showed first sign of flower. Day 2 we had rain in the morning, drizzle and showers in the afternoon. The ferrous sulfate reduced the soil pH from just above 7 to just below. I added 10ml blood meal and 10ml ferrous sulfate top dressed to each pot. The nitrogen should boost the stretch during early flower. The additional ferrous sulfate should keep the pH in the 6.5-7 range and help with chlorosis during early flower. Day 3 we had more rain, drizzle, and mist all day. The soil pH is coming down slowly. It's 6.9 on day 3. Day 4 it rained all morning. The pots are soaked. Day 5 we missed the scattered showers but it was 80-90% humidity all day. We did have lots of sunshine Day 6 we had lots of sunshine and temperatures above 80°F. Day 7 we had sunny skies. Temperature was in the mid 80'sF. I had to water about .5 gallons directly from the hose. 7.6 pH and 50°F Both plants doubled in height. There's still a small excess of phosphorous in the soil. The plants will grow into the phosphorus during flower. Overall a successful week.
Week 6. Flowering
10 months ago
85.09 cm
14 hrs
28 °C
65 %
10 °C
22 °C
17 °C
26 L
Nutrients 2
Diamond Brand Ferrous Sulfate 0.357 mll
Blood Meal - Espoma
Blood Meal 0.357 mll
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil. Day 1 we had thunderstorms and rain in the morning followed by sunshine. Day 2 we had rain in the morning followed by sunshine, then thunderstorms that night. Day 3 we had rain and thunderstorms that morning and intermittently throughout the day. Day 4 we had rain in the morning and cloudy until the evening when the sun came out. Day 5 we had rain in the morning then mostly cloudy until the late afternoon. Day 5 we had sunshine and clear skies until the afternoon. Around 4:00 pm a severe thunderstorm hit. It produced strong winds, heavy rain, and grape sized hail. Fortunately the hail lasted only a few minutes and only damages some leaves. Day 6 we had sunshine, but cooler temperatures in the mid 70's. Day 7 we had rain and thunderstorms through the previous night and into the morning. We had sunshine, clear skies, and temperatures in the upper 70's. That was followed by severe thunderstorms, rain, and a touch of hail from 4p.m. to 6p.m. The weather has been challenging this week. Rain everyday or night and lots of it. The rain on night 6 and morning 7 has started turning the hairs of TCA2 top bud brown. There's no softness and I hope it's not the start of rot. These fastbuds have taken a beating from the rain and there's more in the forecast. Other than the rain the buds are starting to smell and grow. Overall it was a successful week.
Week 7. Flowering
9 months ago
91.44 cm
14 hrs
26 °C
65 %
10 °C
21 °C
16 °C
26 L
Nutrients 2
Ferticell Pro K 0.793 mll
Biogreaux Blackstrap Molasses 1.057 mll
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil. Day 1 we have temperatures in the mid to upper 70's, clear skies, and lots of sunshine. We have no rain in the forecast for a few days 🙏 Day 2 we had lots of sunshine and clear skies. Highs in the upper 70's and 49% humidity. We needed the dryness. 🙏 Day 3 we had clear skies and sunshine. Temperatures were in the mid to upper 70's. Day 4 we had partly cloudy skies and temps in the middle 70's. I added some potassium and they seem to be responding well. Day 5 we had temperatures in the low 70's. Sky's were cloudy and we had showers in the evening. Day 6 we had rain the previous night and intermittently throughout the day. Temperatures were in the low 70's with cloudy skies. Day 7 we had clear skies sunshine. Temperatures were in the low 80's. This week was a success. There was more rain than I or the plants liked. We did have a few pistils brown up from the rain. There was zero boytritis and zero powdery mildew. These plants have not been treated with any preventative and they've flourished on their own resistance. The plants added a little more height. I expect that their stretch is over. Next week I'll add potassium to pump these buds out.
Week 8. Flowering
9 months ago
91.44 cm
14 hrs
26 °C
65 %
10 °C
22 °C
17 °C
26 L
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil. Day 1 we had partly cloudy skies, low humidity, and temps in the lower 80's. I watered about 1/4 gallons from the water hose for each pot. Day 2 we had lite showers in the morning, partly cloudy skies and temperatures in the low 80's the remainder of the day. The rain provided the water today. Day 3 we had showers in the early morning until afternoon. Then it was mostly sunny with high temperature around 79. I noticed a few spots of powdery mildew on the leaves. I removed the leaves. Day 4 we had lots of sunshine and temperatures in the low 80's. I watered about a half gallon out of the water hose. Day 5 we had thunderstorms, rain, and drizzle early morning and intermittently throughout the day. Temperatures were in the lower 80's. Day 6 we had thunderstorms and rain in the morning, then rain and drizzle intermittently throughout the day. High temperature for the day was 71°. It was raining so much I brought them inside. They've proven very resistant to boytritis, but this close to finish, I'm not testing them further. Four hours of rain in below 70°F temps at night is tuff enough. Day 7 we had lots of sunshine and high temperature around 84°. The #2 plant had a very mild outbreak of powdery mildew on the lower leaves this week. The #1 plant has proven immune. These girls are nearly finished. They've gotten loud smelling. The #2 plant smells like straight cat piss and very loud. The #1 plant smells like fruit roll ups berry and loud. I'll harvest these sometime next week. Over a very hardy strain that's taken a beating in the Ozarks Spring.
Week 9. Flowering
9 months ago
91.44 cm
14 hrs
26 °C
65 %
10 °C
22 °C
17 °C
26 L
The temperatures, humidity, and watering volume(if measured) in grow conditions are all averaged for the week. The pH is soil pH. Any watering done by me is well water which is 7.6 pH and 50° F. Any listed nutrients are ml/gallon of soil. Day 1 we had partly cloudy skies and a high temp of 72°. I watered from the hose about 2 gallons per pot. Day 2 we had clear skies, sunshine, and high temperature of 89° F. I watered about .5-.75 gallon on water. Day 3 we had lots of sunshine and clear skies. High temp was 89°. I watered about .5-.75 gallons per pot from the hose. Day 4 we had high temperatures of 88, clear skies, and lots of sunshine. I watered .75 gallons, from the water hose, per pot. Day 5 we had lots of sun and high temperatures of 90°F. I watered these twice today about .75 gallon per pot Day 6 we had lots of sunshine and a high temperature of 91°F. I watered about .5-.75 gallons from the hose twice today. Day 7 we had high temperature of 86°F. I watered twice at about .5-.75 gallons per pot.
Week 10. Flowering
9 months ago
91.44 cm
15 hrs
32 °C
65 %
10 °C
27 °C
23 °C
26 L
Day 1 we had mostly sunny skies with a high temperature of 88°F. I watered about .5-.75 gallons twice today from the water hose. Day 2 we had a high temperature of 88°F with mostly sunny skies. I watered .5-.75 gallons once today.
Week 11. Harvest
7 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
This is a good fast strain. The buds turned out great. I let this one go a little long and dried a little too much. The taste and smell when smoked is kind of like popped firecrackers. It's very different. It's hard hitting and instantly get me super high. The effect is racey and great for improving my mood. It has a body buzz not a stone. It makes me feel like I've got something on my head and like invisible gloves on my hands. This is my go to rn and I wish I had more.
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Spent 72 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
38.98 g
Bud wet weight per plant
538.64 g
Bud dry weight per plant
Positive effects
Happy, Uplifted
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Medical effects
Medical effects
Pine, Earthy

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Light schedule
Solution temperature
Night air temperature
Substrate temperature
Pot size
Smoke week is always my favorite. These plants were a pleasure to grow. The smoke is excellent and well with the time growing. It's a good strong "sativa" type high with plenty of body buzz. These were run outdoors and they had good enough resistance. They had a small amount of powdery mildew but I removed those leaves and they finished no problem.
Equipment Reviews


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Still_Smoqcommentedweek 99 months ago
The frost is coming in thick!
Aedaonecommented9 months ago
@Still_Smoq, Im excited to see how she smokes.
Dungeonbeardcommentedweek 89 months ago
I'm getting ready to throw some fast buds autos outside. Looking good!!
Aedaonecommented9 months ago
@Dungeonbeard, Thanks 🙏. This strain had some issues last year but not this bunch. Anything not looking great on them is on me. They are super resistant and have nice tight buds
Growyourhicommentedweek 117 months ago
I like your description on the piney and earthy. Because my Tropicana cookies first pheno smells really piney and earthy just like you said. However mine's growing large fox tail shape buds.
Aedaonecommented7 months ago
@Growyourhi, I bet those look super cool. I love fox tails. I think you'll love the smoke from these. I really loved mine. I wish I had more rn.
Aedaonecommented7 months ago
@Growyourhi, variety is the spice of life . The smoke on these is excellent. I wish they came in pound yields because I could smoke a pound 🤤
BarneyRumble420commentedweek 117 months ago
Awesome work! Congratulations on your harvest 🌱🔥🔥
Aedaonecommented7 months ago
@BarneyRumble420, Thank you 🌱💚
Still_Smoqcommentedweek 117 months ago
Very good harvest, congratulations and enjoy!
Aedaonecommented7 months ago
@Still_Smoq, thank. This is good smoke
Wenz004commentedweek 79 months ago
The smoke is tremendously delicious ,)
Aedaonecommented9 months ago
@Wenz004, I'm ready to find out 👌🌱💚
Still_Smoqcommentedweek 610 months ago
Nice job, healthy!
Aedaonecommented10 months ago
@Still_Smoq, Thank you 🌱💚
Still_Smoqcommentedweek 1a year ago
Good luck with it this year!
Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@Still_Smoq, Thank you 🌱💚
gottagrowsometimecommentedweek 1a year ago
I didn't get a great yield Great big buds. But was very nice. Enjoy your grows and projects.
Aedaonecommenteda year ago
@gottagrowsometime, thank you! I'm looking forward to running this one again. Last spring I ran these but had some issues. This is a redemption grow.
Growyourhicommentedweek 117 months ago
Yes. I grew lots of Hazes that are known for foxtaily bud. I smoked out in Amsterdam twice withArjan from GH Seeds.
Growyourhicommentedweek 117 months ago
He really is the father of those Hazes.
Growyourhicommentedweek 117 months ago
Juggling 11 cultivars,with a triploid seed pack ( Bermuda triangle) GTR seeds. 3 tents with a 4th envy!😃
the end.
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