Plant 1: Still no nutrients. This plant seems to be doing better than the other.
Plant 2: Still on the low dose nutrient as last week (1ml/L biogrow).
Started some LST this week for a more even canopy. Plant 1 (back left) has already gained more height and has been bent several times by now.
Light intensity slightly increased to ca. 500 umol/m2/s.
Watering 3L once a week. Learned that I watered a bit too often in the previous weeks (though smaller amounts) - no big deal though I think as the plants are appearing healthy to me.
@Flicker420, The first plant gave me ca. 175g wet weight (fan leaves were removed before weighing) of which I estimate ca 50g are stems and sugar leaves. So maybe that plant will give me 30g dry 🙂
The other plant is a bit bigger, I will harvest it in three days