
First Balcony Grow with Sensi Seeds in the Middle of Germany

20 days ago
Room Type
weeks 4-5
weeks 5
weeks 5
Grow medium
Germination Method
Glass Of Water
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 23%
Sensi Amnesia XXL
Avg. success
Sensi Seeds - 91%
Sensi Amnesia XXL - 81%
Sticky Orange XXL Automatic
Avg. success
Sensi Seeds - 91%
Sticky Orange XXL Automatic - 90%
Critical Runtz Feminized
Avg. success
Sensi Seeds - 91%
Critical Runtz Feminized - 100%
Commented by
Dani2i Dani2i
2 months ago
Happy 420 and welcome to my first grow report. As soon as germany legalized our beloved Hemp i ordered some seeds at Sensi seeds. I want to grow 2 Automatics and 1 regular plant so i can harvest the legal amount in seperate months and if everything works i can maybe have a 4th harvest. I soaked the seeds in a glass of water for ~18 hours and after that i used jiffys. The weather was perfect when i started the seeds and as soon as i gave them a spot at the window, temperature started to fall so i placed a heatmat under the jiffys to keep them at 20-25°C. and put a really cheap LED over them to give them at least some additional light. i measured the light with the photone app it is around 250 ppfd and 13500Lux at 6150K. Its not perfect but better than nothing i guess. Day 4 the Amnesia came out of the Jiffy and the Critical Runtz followed her on the same day. they both looked healthy and the first signs of real leaves were visible. Day 6 the Sticky Orange came out of the jiffy but wasnt healthy as you can see on the picture, so i started a new seed to replace her. EDIT: i opened the Jiffy to see if the root developed normal. Turns out what you can see on the picture is actually the main root. the poor thing grew in the wrong direction but the tip was already dry and i wasnt carefull enough while opening the jiffy so i throw it away. Next time ill be more carefull. it could have been fixed when noticed early. Day 7 Amnesia root came out of jiffy so i decided to give her and the critical runtz a small pot for the next few weeks till i upgraded my roofless balcony. too much rain at this moment. i will build an easy wood construction and stretch greenhouse foil over it. next update will be when they get their final spot if nothing dramatic happens
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SnowmanZeroZeroweek 0
Klasse das mit deiner Methode alle Samen gekeimt sind. Hast du sie nur eingeweicht in Wasser oder konntest du bereits eine Wurzel sehen bevor du sie eingepflanzt hast? Habe letzte woche probier 3 Samen direkt in Erde zu keimen, aber nur einer ist aufgegangen. Wahrscheinlich hätte ich sie auch zumindest einweichen sollen.
Hattiwattiweek 0
GoodLuck 🍀
RichardHairsweek 0
Right On! Good luck!
DeepWaterGrowerweek 0
Good luck 🌱