They are growing very slow and don't look happy. First leaves are hanging and getting yellow. All 3 look very different.
Since there we're roots sticking out at the bottom, i moved them to there final pot (6 liters).
I think i ran way to much light.
Light is now more far away, 40cm.
Plants seem to like new soil and less light stress.
But still looking poor
Also to add,
WPM can be rubbed off and does not smell like anything. trichomes when rubbed make your hand sticky and smell a lot like weed.
Trichomes have a shine to them, WPM does not, it kinda looks like white fuzzy fluff on the leaf surface.
I don't see anything that resembles powdery mildew. Are you talking about the trichomes starting to develop on the one in the back? That's normal, you'll see more of that on leaves and flowers as the plants continue to develop. Powdery mildew is very white and shows up in splotches and you'll be able to wipe it off.
Hello! Did you specially place the pots so close for the light? When they grow up, how do you plan to place them? I also have a 40 by 40 box (you can see my 1st report) and 1 can hardly fit in there, I understand 4 more small plants, for example, but 3 somehow do not fit together)
@Knippex, Hey danke für den Tipp. Ich warte schon seit Monatsanfang auf Saatgut von Sensiseeds (Versand aus Österreich). Wie lange dauert der Versand bei DivineSeeds?
Ja vermutlich wird es zu eng. Der Plan ist die jetzt erst mal im Zelt stehe lassen solange Platz ist. Dann kommt der Exodus an ein (suboptimal besonntes) Fensterbrett.
@Mighty_Monaco, Kannst dir von Divine Seeds kostenlos zwei Strains deiner Wahl zuschicken lassen. Brauchst nur das Formular bei den Contests ausfüllen. Habe mittlerweile heute die zweite Lieferung erhalten mit drei Strains und insgesamt über zehn Samen. Würde in dem 40*40zelt auch nur eine Pflanze lassen. Netz rüber und die ganze Fläche ausnutzen. Die anderen beiden können bei gutem Wetter ja auch raus. Gruß und viel Erfolg
@PanGrower, probably one or two will leave the Box.
Only Had those 3 seeds.
Hard to get some in Germany.
And three ist the Magic number?
Yeah the Lights we're to close