So we were blessed enough to have Ganjafarmer send us some of there genetics a couple weeks back. Shout out to Ganjafarmer for this opportunity! You guys rock.
Anyways we have a few different strains but I'm growing another plant that has MAC in her lineage, so why not pop the MAC? Plus it's something I haven't grown yet and it's been too long since my last Ganjafarmer grow.
We started her off in the basic peat moss, aeration and worm Castings to get her through the first couple weeks of life. Nice and gentle but still with plenty of nutrients for young seedlings. We also sowed our seed with Growing Organic Kashi blend which has rootwise bio char, watered her in with Q20, a little touch of BIG 6 and some Dandelion FPJ.
So that's it for now. Basically just going to let her do her thing for another couple weeks then start some Alfalfa Ferment from Growing Organic. Thanks for checking