
First Grow RQS: Fat Banana Automatic

4 months ago
Room Type
weeks 5
Grow medium
Germination Method
Directly In Substrate
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 20%
Fat Banana Automatic
Avg. success
Royal Queen Seeds - 92%
Fat Banana Automatic - 96%
Commented by
Ztric Ztric
5 months ago
23.04.24: Planted the seed at 5:30pm. I planted the seed in normal dirt. I did all this in the final pot to not have to replant. 24.04.24-27.04.24: Nothing happened for a cupple days. I try keeping the dirt wet by spraying it when it feels dry. I am worried that my dort is too rich in nutrients and could burn my seedling because I discovered that the dirt is pre-fertilized already. 27.04.24: I also set up an LED at 40cm distance and a small fan. In the evening the first branch is showing up. I tried watering the seedling for the first time with a watering can. 28.04.24: The surface of the pot seems dry but a few cm deeper the dirt is still wet so I wont water today. In the evening I decided to cover the seedling with half of a waterbottle to increase humidity which right now is constantly at 50-60%. The plant looks very healthy. 29.04.24: The whole seedling seems to elongate quite a lot so I lowered the LED to about 10cm. In the evening and since the seedling keep growing higher I improvised another LED lamp with some LED Strips I had laying around and a cuppord that I added to the setup. I hope this will stop the eliotation (don't even know if that's the right word) and increase the power of my lamp. I'm thinking of constantly changing the pots with two other plants I have under the bought LED and the improvised one since the inprovised one seems a bit darker but I'm not sure if that stresses the plant too much. I also added a bigger turning fan. 30.04.24: The dirt felt very dry so I watered again. This time with less water since some water came ran through the pot last time. I also filled the pot a little more with dirt to support the elongated seedling. Despite that everything looks healthy.
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taprootArmyweek 2
Good Luck! Stem with a plant height of 6 cm doesnt look too bad in my opinion. I think mine were a bit shorter at this stage, but not a lot. Maybe your "wind" is too strong? I did not let it blow directly on the plants at this stage.
@taprootArmy, Glad to hear. I'm quite worried about the stems lenght since it elongated so much in the first week. I read online that setting up a fan at this stage would strenghten the stem. My second plant doesn't have any problems with shaking and she's in pretty much at the same stage.
Faucetweek 5
Yo, I'm also growing this strain. Be careful with your LST, I screwed up by just tying the main stem of the plant over and calling it a day. I should've wrangled all the other stems, then I would've been able to at least figure out what leaves go where and how crowded everything was. If I had trimmed in week 6 or 7 when I could comprehend the layout of the plant, I probably could've avoided the bud rot that lead to an emergency week 12 partial chop.
resi_maxweek 0
Good luck and happy growing! 😁