Absolutely wonderful light. I got more bang for my buck when comparing this specific light to the equivalent offers from companies like spider farmer.
This light comes out cheaper but since it's bought off Alibaba, shipping and duty needs to be worked into the price. This light ended up being exactly the same price that a 300watt bar style fixture would have cost me from my local spider farmer dealer. I get a marginal extra 20watts but I had to wait a few weeks for it to be shipped and clear customs.
All that said, I did my homework. With this fixture, I get a total of 250 more LEDs than the spider farmer would have provided for more or less the same wattage. This would mean that the kingbrite has more LEDs to spread those 320watts through, meaning that each LED is being driven less hard. For this reason, I would bet a popcorn bud that this light is more efficient watt for photon and runs cooler in your grow tent as a result.
This is an absolute game changer for my climate as these tents get HOT hot down here in Europe's southern buttcrack.
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10 months ago