The temperatures and measurements listed in the grow conditions are averaged for the week. The nutrients listed in that section are ml/gallon of soil.
Day 1 We missed the scattered showers but it's been 80-90% humidity all day. It's been real sunny but the pots are very wet.
Day 2 we had lots of sunshine and temperatures above 80° F.
Day 3 we had clear, sunny skies. Temperature were in the mid 80's F. I watered 1.5-2 gallons directly from the hose. The well water is 7.6 pH and 50° F.
Day 4 we had thunderstorms and rain in the morning followed by sunshine.
Day 5 we had lots of sunshine, temps in the mid 80's and thunderstorms and rain in the evening. The thunderstorms became severe overnight.
Day 6 we had rain in the morning followed by rain and thunderstorms intermittently into the night.
Day 7 we had rains early morning and then cloudy most of the day. We have sunshine in the forecast for next week. 🙏🙏🙏 I added ferrous sulfate at 50 ml/gallon of soil top dressed. The pH began to push up above 7.
I love that I came by your page, I really like what I see!. If you have time to spare, please come over I have 5 diaries going on at once. Would be fun to have you over! Good luck with everything and I’m sending my best wishes for you and your future grows! /LST 😃🌱