Hi there this is my LSD-25 grow diary I planted the bean straight into biobizz lightmix soil and 3 days later she germinated. It's officially day 1 as of 13/11/18 I'll feed tap water left 24 hours with Voodoo juice for the first 21 days I'll always pH my feed at 6.5. I'll post 1 picture everyday and let you know when I feed. Thanks for looking.
I also always add my nutrients to 2 litres of water
Day 3 I gave her 45ml of water ppms 100
Day 7 she's looking a tiny bit on the yellow side I'll keep an eye on her and maybe give a little cal/mag in week 2 other than absolutely fine see you all on week 2
@Short_N_stockY, thanks buddy she's under a 300 and 600 watt led lights. I've got another LSD 25 on day 37 and shes looking absolutely beautiful so I thought I do a diary with this one lol hope yours goes well and good luck