Day 8 . I gave her 50 to 75 ml of water again today everythings perfect so far I'll keep posting pics of her everyday
Day 10 I've noticed the leafs are getting greener now so I'll leave the cal/mag and just continue feeding Voodoo juice she getting taller about 3 inches now I'll get a better picture of her on day 11
Day 11 I gave her another 50 ml of feed everything's absolutely perfect so far I will update when I next feed and if there is any changes
Day 14 today I started LST I've bent the main stem 90 degrees and used garden wire to hold it down I will feed on day 15 and continue into week 3
@Short_N_stockY, thanks buddy she's under a 300 and 600 watt led lights. I've got another LSD 25 on day 37 and shes looking absolutely beautiful so I thought I do a diary with this one lol hope yours goes well and good luck