The Grow Awards 2025 🏆

Never smoked/First grow

7 months ago
Room Type
weeks 7-10
Grow medium
11 L
Pot Size
10 months ago
Welp, here we go. I've never smoked weed or done a single drug except alcohol. It's legal to grow now where I live so I've decided to grow my own and hopefully be successful and then have my very first smoke be my own home grown lol. I germinated in Jiffy seed starting mix and will transplant that into Fox Farm Ocean Forest.
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Used method
Directly In Substrate
Germination Method
Week 1. Vegetation
10 months ago
2.54 cm
It's been about one and a half weeks. All three seedlings are doing well. The weather has been really variable, some hot sunny days and some rainy. Things seem to be going good so far...
Week 2. Vegetation
10 months ago
12.7 cm
Plants are doing great, all three were transplanted 4 days ago into 3 gallon bags. Added myco to the ocean forest and watered. I'm trying out some blumats, not sure I'll rely on them much. Temps have been up and down and I'm a little worried it's too hot in the greenhouse so I bought a shade cloth. I'll try that out and see if I can get the temp down when needed. I've got an exhaust fan set up and a fan in the greenhouse as well which are helping.
Week 3. Vegetation
9 months ago
20.32 cm
27 °C
50 %
16 °C
11 L
3 weeks into veg and these 3 are doing great. I've set up some watering systems as I need to take some brief trips. I'm using Blumats as passive backup and a solar system as my active system. Very simple and working well so far. I also started an integrated pest control plan using diatomaceous earth, sticky traps and neem oil. I'm growing in a greenhouse with other plants and some of them are having minor pest issues so I figured I would just start trying to protect the entire operation. Amazed at how well they are growing.
Week 4. Vegetation
9 months ago
42 cm
32 °C
50 %
16 °C
11 L
2 L
All plants did well while I was away and look to be thriving. One plant seems to be ahead of the others in regards to flowering. One is a bit small even though I think they are all getting about the same light. I think this week I'll start adding some tiger bloom to help with the flowers/buds.
Week 5. Flowering
9 months ago
75 cm
21 °C
50 %
10 °C
11 L
2 L
Nutrients 1
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 3.963 mll
They have started flowering and the growth has been amazing to watch. I guess this is why they call it the "stretch". The bigger of the 3 plants is a little behind in buds, the one slightly smaller is forming a lot of buds and they are looking healthy. The runt of the bunch looks healthy but less than half the size. I started adding Tiger Bloom every other day, about 1.5ml/half liter for each plant. It's been colder and higher humidity lately but I think it's looking warmer ahead. I'm a little worried about humidity being too high at night but with an outdoor grow there is only so much I can do. I am adding a vent fan controller off a humidity controller for the nights to help a little.
Week 6. Flowering
9 months ago
96 cm
33 °C
50 %
24 °C
11 L
2 L
Nutrients 1
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 3.963 mll
All three plants are doing well, still growing and budding like crazy. Even the runt has almost caught up with the other two. Buds are getting more numerous and bigger. Unfortunately there's a heat wave where I live so I'm a little worried about I'll effects. It's into the mid 90s F during the day. I've added additional ventilation to hopefully help and there's always been a fan running. The plants seen fine but I've heard the heat can hurt the buds. I'm not stressed about this though, just learning and having fun with this. Edit# I got a simple digital microscope and got a look at the trichomes developing.
Week 7. Flowering
9 months ago
96 cm
29 °C
50 %
24 °C
11 L
2 L
Nutrients 1
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 3.963 mll
Still going really strong. Plants aren't getting taller but the buds are getting much larger. I did some cautious defoliation but was careful not to cut too much. Microscope is showing more mature trichomes and some of the pistils are turning brown. Saw a few amber trichomes but I think I still have a week or two left.
Used techniques
Week 8. Flowering
8 months ago
29 °C
18 °C
11 L
Nutrients 1
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 3.963 mll
Buds are really filling out, the pistils are turning brown and plants are getting frosty. I did see evidence that some trichomes are turning amber but didn't get any good pictures with my microscope. I think I've got my drying chamber set up so I think I'm almost ready. One plant looks like I could harvest it in a week and the two others are looking a week behind maybe. I'm not in a rush, they are looking great.
Used techniques
Week 9. Flowering
8 months ago
32 °C
18 °C
11 L
Nutrients 1
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 3.963 mll
The buds are looking good and maturing nicely. The big news this week is I noticed some spots on the leaves and looked at them under a microscope and found spider mites. Before flowering I had been treating with neem oil but stopped. The infestation isn't terrible because I had already started defoliating and I really cut back everything I could now. Since I'm close to harvest I could maybe just let things go for another week and do nothing but instead I ordered 1500 ladybugs to try to clean up the plants before harvest and also protect the rest of my plants. Bummer but it really doesn't look like a major issue. I will wash my plants before drying regardless to help clean up things as well.
1 comment
Used techniques
Week 10. Flowering
8 months ago
35 °C
21 °C
3 L
Nutrients 1
Tiger Bloom - Fox Farm
Tiger Bloom 3.963 mll
A lot going on as I get closer to harvest. I'm laughing to myself because I've never smoked pot but I'm already getting paranoid lol. There are so many minor concerns I'm feeling like I should harvest but it's clearly a little early. The mites are under control with the ladybugs doing there job well. I saw some leaves that looked a little burned from too much fertilizer so I backed off my already low dose and then I got leaves yellowing lol. I had some mold despite having a fan going so I added another fan and reorganized my greenhouse to get better airflow. It's been so hot I'm seeing foxtailing on the runt that was the slowest to grow and develop. Lastly a guy from the city came to my house to look for a manhole of all things he thought was in my backyard, there isn't one of course, but I had to let him back there. There's no way he didn't smell and see in the greenhouse and the almost ready to harvest plants... This is legal but now I'm a target for theft possibly. I want to go another couple of weeks but I'm getting more and more worried about it lol. I'll try to stay patient a little longer! Update! I found some bud rot! This plant has and mold in it's leaves that I have been removing. It was clear there wasn't enough airflow so I rearranged my greenhouse and removed a couple plants and added another fan. Too late. It looks early and wasn't everywhere so I I removed any questionable bud and then cleaned my tol and hands. If I see any signs of spreading I'll remove the plant.
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Used techniques
Week 11. Flowering
8 months ago
29 °C
18 °C
11 L
After discovering the bud rot on the plant in the corner I chopped off everything that was suspect and rearranged my greenhouse for better airflow and added a second fan. I decided to harvest the plant that was next to it as it looked mature judging the trichome appearance. This grow is all about fun and learning and I wanted to make sure I got something all the way through the process even if it's not optimal. That's been drying for about a week. I washed that with 4 washes, hydrogen peroxide, lemon and baking soda, and two cold water rinses. I inspected it really closely as well to make sure there were no signs of rot. The sick plant is now isolated and most of it looks great. The top cola is changing a bit and I'm not sure if it's rot or normal changes at the end of flowering. The two other plants are looking great. One is the runt of the three stress killer seeds and the last smallest plan is actually a fast Eddy from the first seeds I planted and made a bunch of mistakes. This plant is stunted but I let it grow just to see what would happen and it's at 12 or 13 weeks now. I'll let everything go another week and harvest.
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Week 12. Harvest
7 months ago
Happy Harvest Day!
I decided to try this after a week curing, used a pax plus vaporizer. This was my very first time so I have nothing to compare it to. I used the flavor profile on the vape and took a few mellow puffs. It took a little while to take full effect but it was nice. It radiated from my chest out, super relaxing. I just sat in a chair and experienced it. Nothing intense, just nice buzz that put me on my couch. The funny bit was I felt my neck relax so completely that a vertebrae popped. My neck has never felt better lol. I didn't even know I was having any pain in my neck, I guess I had gotten used to it but the stress killer fixed it lol.
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Spent 79 days
Ger Veg Flo Har
Positive effects
Relaxed, Sleepy
Positive effects
Negative effects
Dry mouth
Negative effects
Citrus, Herbs, Pine

Day air temperature
Air humidity
Night air temperature
Pot size
The last few weeks were quite the roller coaster. The first plant I emergency harvested is already dry and trimmed and curing. I'll made tincture with the trimming. I did my 4 washes again before setting up to dry. I found that one of my spare rooms had about perfect setting for drying and the smell wasn't bad with a fan and carbon filter running. After the aggressive removal of bud rot I didn't lose much more and lesson learned about over crowding. It was a really fun experience overall, thanks for the helpful comments and I'll return with a report after I finally try it. I've decided on a herb vape. Good luck and happy growing!
Equipment Reviews


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ozi_decommentedweek 78 months ago
Your plants look great! My first grow were also RQS SK, but only one plant under very bad weather consitions. I'm amazed to see the nice development of your plants under way better consitions. I bought myself an Äris Ultra by Wolkenkraft with a bubbler - works for me well. Taste of weed is good, way better than simply joints. Can recomment. Good luck and I'm looking forward to your harvest and smoke report :-)
Sejanus21commented8 months ago
@ozi_de, I also bought the Äris Ultra with bubbler and am very happy with it. But for the effects, I still prefer to consume cannabis as a tincture or infused oil.
Grutocommented8 months ago
@ozi_de, thank you for the suggestion!
danschcommentedweek 49 months ago
Your Stresskillers look also great! 👌 I wish you good look with your project. BTW: I haven't smoked for a long time and I'm planning to smoke my results with a vape. Maybe that would be suitable for you. 😉
Sejanus21commented9 months ago
@Gruto, Even better for me are infused coco-oil and golden dragon tincture. The effects lasts much longer than after vaping (but it takes 2 hours until it kicks in :-)
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Grutocommented9 months ago
@dansch, that's what I was thinking as well actually, I'll do some research thanks!
Sejanus21commentedweek 210 months ago
Welcome! I just started last year; fantastic experience. Stress Killer performed extremely well in my last grow. I am mainly using it as a tincture and coco oil infusion; very uplifting! I am also considering a Blumat system. Are you happy with it? Are you also from Germany?
Grutocommented7 months ago
@Sejanus21, on those blumats, after harvest I checked the holes they were in and some had extensive roots and a couple had none so I guess I didn't set them up all correctly. I added one to another plant and checked it after a couple weeks and it's working properly. I will use them again but verify I set it up right.
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Grutocommented10 months ago
@Sejanus21, thank you! I'm not in Germany. I just started with the Blumats and I don't have enough experience to comment yet, apologies. I will keep updating on the progress as I go. They seem to be pretty foolproof for short term watering and I'm not thinking to rely on them for all the watering, just a back up really. I intend to set up a solar watering system for my main system and the Blumats would be redundant backup.
CRANKSTER_420commentedweek 118 months ago
I too use a greenhouse from time to time... During flower stage, I leave both ends open throughout both day and night to allow plenty of airflow and to prevent humidity spikes & set the ladies out in the sin as much as possible. Really only ever bringing them into shelter during rain and night. It's a live and learn type thing. Hopefully your having fun while learning the process! Good luck.
Sejanus21commented7 months ago
@@CRANKSTER_420, Exactly!
allways_beginnercommentedweek 49 months ago
I'll stick around. I would expect a detailed report of your first smoking experience. 🤣
allways_beginnercommented9 months ago
@Gruto, what will you do then with the masses of Weed? And what device will you finally choose?
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Grutocommented9 months ago
@allways_beginner, got any advice? I have no idea what I'm gonna do... Roll a joint, get a bong, make a pipe out of a soda can like my friends did in high school lol?
Sejanus21commentedweek 127 months ago
I like the effects of the tincture very much, what was your experience? Which vape did you purchase? Really curious, because I was in the same position last year.
Grutocommented7 months ago
@Sejanus21, I ended up getting a PAX plus. I like it, I got the puck press as well so it's super simple and easy.
Sejanus21commentedweek 117 months ago
Sorry to hear that you also have bud rot. I had bud rot on my Royal Creamatics and mildew on my White Widow Auto. The Special Queen which was in the basement at night was fine. I could save enough though to at least try the strains. Making Golden Dragon tincture right now :-). I also installed a second fan in the greenhouse. I still have two photos which start to flower.
Grutocommented7 months ago
@Sejanus21, good luck with what you can save! I am still able to get most of my grow I think. It's ok because I learned something new and all knowledge is expensive!
Sejanus21commentedweek 88 months ago
In my view, you should wait at least two more weeks, but what do I know :-)
Grutocommented8 months ago
@Sejanus21, you're right, I guess I'm probably rushing things a little due to a complicated matter...I will give them as much time as I can
Sejanus21commentedweek 78 months ago
Very nice, but give her at least another two weeks.
Grutocommented8 months ago
@Sejanus21, Thank you, I am thinking that too but don't really know what I'm doing lol!
allways_beginnercommentedweek 49 months ago
Glass ice bong is what I would prefer. ... 😁 ... that's what i used to smoke back in the days. I have not smoked for 20 years as well ... tbh. I don't know what is "in" today ... is what i want to say. But you can't go wrong with an ice bong. Best bang for the bucks.
Grutocommented9 months ago
@allways_beginner, wow it seems like a lot of old dudes are getting in you this as it gets legalized everywhere lol, thank you for the advice!
Sejanus21commentedweek 108 months ago
I did not know that the smell alone makes one paranoid. Maybe, just try the real stuff to heal it :-)
Suemchencommentedweek 98 months ago
Nice🤗 well done👍 looking good
resi_maxcommentedweek 110 months ago
Good luck and happy growing! 😁
Jamescommentedweek 110 months ago
Gooooood luck and happy growing mate 🌱
Inganjawetrustcommentedweek 110 months ago
Congrats on starting the best hobby a person can have 🌱🌱🌱 ✌️😎💨
the end.
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