
Gorilla zkittles #Barneysfarm from seeds on balcony

3 days ago
Room Type
weeks 10-15
weeks 10, 12
weeks 11-12
weeks 11-12, 15
weeks 15
weeks 4, 7, 10-12
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow Conditions
Week 15
15 hrs
Light Schedule
13+ conditions after
1 ml/l
Wood vinegar
1 ml/l
Mono silicic acid
1.5 ml/l
5+ nutrients after
Grow Technique Usage
Commented by
Snakeking Snakeking
3 days ago
Honestly i was thinking about this girls gonna grow big i mean BIG because all branches grow about 2-3cm everyday i put a stuck to make sure how much they grow every day! I think i should put a second layer of net . Guys if you want use silicon for your plants make sure its mono silicic acid not potassium silicate or other silicate nutrients because they need months to absorbs by the plant,silicone can be absorbed by plant in mono silicic acid form Update: one of my girls show signs of preflowering and i am so worry about. I want a big plant with large cola
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Grow Questions
Snakekingstarted grow question 12 days ago
Hey guys i have a question about mixing a little bit synthetic nitrogen for one of plants because its lighter green compare to other. Is it kill my biological life. I grow organic and my soil is full of microbes/ batteries/ fung
m0useanswered grow question 12 days ago
Should not be a problem. Its one in the same thing. Does the microbes break down the whole ingredient things into N or do you provide the N directly to the substrate like with urea. Some things like excess P can be harmful to fungi but we are growing weed not fungus. and even then it won't kill it off, it will just reduce its growth. I grow in soil outdoors and use manures and compost as well as liquid additives like salt based fertilizers. everything works out. Long term is where the issue can come from but just add back into the soil and your good.
Snakekingstarted grow question 10 days ago
Hey guys please help me find out my last pot in video is in flowering or na because i bought that seed as amnesia auto flower from mama mari italy . But after 2 months i tought its a regular seed and they scammed i need help from elders. Is this girl in flowering or nah?
Organomananswered grow question 10 days ago
Yes it is flowering, but I do not think it is really an autoflower...........4 months to get to this stage is definitely something wrong for an auto.
m0useanswered grow question 10 days ago
Cute little garden I like the raised tile section. I'm a bit confused by the question, are all the plants to be the same?? or just the last one is different?? The last one in your video is in bloom. It will be starting to stretch and you can see pistils forming make sure to give it some good feedings so it have the energy to grow nice and big. All the plants are looking good. If all the other plants are to be the same, then know this, not all autos are the same. Seeds are like brothers and sisters. They mature at different rates. Some autos will flower really early as well from stress. they don't like a lot of root disturbances from my experience. I have had some plants flower early from the same pack of seeds. Also good to note Autoflowers enter bloom whenever they want, some veg for 4 weeks I have seen some go up to 8weeks in veg. So hard to tell sometimes. Now if your saying they should be a photoperiod, they could also be that if the lighting is aorund 12/12 over all everything is looking good and I do indeed think that last plant is an autoflowers and its in bloom. Remember to check out the profiles of the users answering your questions, If they have grows on their page and they look good chances are the advice is sound, lot of blank profiles with no diaries answering, some of them are legit, most are not. Use your digression. Good Luck!
LSchnabelanswered grow question 10 days ago
The last plant you were showing is 100% flowering. If you bought it as an autoflower, im surprised it didn’t flower earlier. If you bought it as a photoperiod then somewhere along the line they breed ruderalis into it. I would defiantly switch to a bloom fertilizer for that plant. Everything is looking great. At least you will have an early harvest to enjoy before all the rest. Hope this helps.
Snakekingstarted grow question 9 days ago
Hey guys I have a question about feeding my plants! Is it good or bad to give water to your plant every day? I mean i can give my plant 5 liter every day or 10-12 liter for 2 days And an other question is can i give only water in some days for lowering the cost?
oldskoolkoolanswered grow question 9 days ago
Soil is every other watering but never give coco plain water. Iv never feed any plants daily but its all down to size of pots, type of pots. At the very least let the top half inch completely dry which will probably take days with soil.5ltrs sounds a lot never mind 10.What you growing trees in barrels.
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 9 days ago
Hello Snakeking, you want the top soil to be completely dry in between waterings. Let the top 2 inches (5 centimeters) dry out before you water again. When you do this it will be the perfect dry/wet cycle. With nutrients you want to give every other watering. The schedule should look like this. Only water - water with nutrients - only water - water with nutrients. You also want to make sure that you water till runoff to prevent nutrient salts building up inside your soil causing nutrient lockouts. This means that you give water till 10% from the given amount runs off the bottom of your pots. Again, your plants look great buddy! 💚
Krisisanswered grow question 9 days ago
You’re outside so I’d say that your watering will be directed a lot by weather. If it’s raining or not, how hot it has been and all that. I would say you also probably can’t check the weight of the pot as you’re under trellis. I would stick my finger down in the soil a bit to check the soil. If it’s dry or pretty close to dry and not going to rain then water. As for feeding, that’s upto your plant really. Manufacturers have guidance for you with a schedule and ratios, but sometimes a girl might want more or less. You definitely don’t have to feed with every water typically (unless your plant demands it). Most recommendations are water, water, feed & repeat. Hope you find what makes your girls happiest. It looks like they’re doing well though already with whatever you’re doing
Snakekingstarted grow question 9 days ago
Sorry for asking to much questions😅🙏🏽 For bud density in flowering ,what synthetic nutrients you recommend beside my biobizz organic line and living soil i heard that from a friend that biobizz or other organic nutrients make more aroma and taste but not a dense flower.
Mrs_Larimaranswered grow question 9 days ago
my answer, your friends advise is "broscience" or bullshit genetics is point 1 giving the right products is point 2 it can help and yes thre is athing called PGR that makes hard and dense buds extremly. but do you want to use that stuff, and smoke in the end my point is, go with organic nutrients and plant beneficals read some books websites etc there is no simple answer for this one hint m--- enzymes--- is akey i love the greenbuzznutrients line, german company, reliable products, just look at my plants greetings
m0useanswered grow question 8 days ago
Less dense flowers are better for making hash and edibles. :D Some of the strins I like have shit bad apeal but nice highs.
001100010010011110answered grow question 8 days ago
All other factors the same, no the products you use won't matter much. they are mostly ubiquitous commodities. when the plant reproduces cells -- whether cells that make up the stem or flower - follow a recipe outlined by the dna. What enters the plant and how it gets used is very uniform by that point, even if different molecularly speaking in the soil before that point. organic or not really doesn't make a difference. organic nutes tend to have slower growth because it's more diffiucult to control the exact levels of each nutrient that result in the soil. e.g. if you provide N in a form of a protein (an "organic" source) but it enters the plant as some chelated / broken down version of that original molecule missing that "carbon" or whatever original component that made it different in the soil and not any different than other forms of N that can enter the plant, then what exactly is it causing inside the plant? ther's a lot of "scienc-y" things out there that are not real science. just ploys to get you to spend 5-10x more for similar products that result in slower growth, which only increases your electricity cost, which is the single greatest cost of all inputs, lol.
Snakekingstarted grow question 9 days ago
Hey guys is it bad to have small leaves or it effects on ye final product? What should i do because everything looks fine to me i don’t have much experience with cannabis but you can see decreasing the leave’s size from the beginning. Thank you for your precious advice and helps
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 9 days ago
Hello Snakeking, This is completely natural and the plant is now focussing on other things then growing large fan leaves. The first phase is mainly about creating large leaves to gain energy by photosynthesis to grow as large and tall as possible to surivive in the wild. The second phase is preparing for flowering with thick branches that can carry heavy buds. And the final phase is about growing big, fat and sticky buds! Happy Growing Buddy! 💚
Organomananswered grow question 9 days ago
Quite often, plants with big fat leaves will change to small narrow leaves during flowering. All this is natural and it will not affect your plant negatively. From my experience, I think this occurs because the chances of getting pollinated with thin leaves is probably higher than with wide, fat leaves. Some Indicas, with wide thick and large leaves, often end up looking like Sativas during flowering, with long, thin and smaller leaves! Not to worry, your plant "knows" what to do.
Snakekingstarted grow question 8 days ago
Hey guys i live in a place with hot climate my air conditioner is not working well and cannabis is illegal do you have any idea how i can dry my flower in summer i have an auto flower plant and we are in early summer i need to figure out a good way in 30 days or less.
oldskoolkoolanswered grow question 8 days ago
I doubt you'll notice any difference.
Todzillaanswered grow question 8 days ago
I hear ya. Use a cardboard box and place in a well ventilated cool dry area - or the coolest dryest area that you can. Basement available? If you have a dehumidifier and it’s not too hot, that’s the ticket -62° Relative humidity. A fan in a closet using a cardboard box can work as a last resort.
m0useanswered grow question 8 days ago
You can dry in any temp. the terps can evaporate out faster and sometimes might have a bit of harshness to it, but that can be solved by giving it a proper cure. Terps don't return but can be added, Some companies are releasing humidity packs for curing with added terps in them. I do not try and make my place extra cold when drying plants, I have my ac set at 26c and it stays there for the whole house, RH will fluctuate a bit. Some say you should dry at 18c and 65% RH but fuck that, waste of time and energy unless your a massive farm op. Basements tend to be high RH and low temps as well as musty. This could introduce mold or increase the changes of it doing that give the environments disposition. Give it about 7 days to dry when u do. then bottle it up and cure, remembering to burp often at the start. Good Luck!
Snakekingstarted grow question 7 days ago
Hey guys its my first try in SCRoG technique do i need to put second layer or net just above of the first one? My girls grow rapidly after transplant some branches grow little ticker and some taller. Do i need to topping tall ones or let the grow like this? Thank you
gottagrowsometimeanswered grow question 7 days ago
I explain everything on my diary. 1st scrog. DM me regarding any
modmyplantsanswered grow question 7 days ago
Hey mate👌 Is always nice to have, but no needed if you split your plant across the tent alrdy, all the do now is grow up straight, you can use a scrog to keep certain branches down if you want. everything above you can suppercrop. I mainly use a second net on my diary, so i can put my plants into different zones also. Underneath the first net is lollipopping area. Between the nets i only defoliate small amounts and top i take off all big leaves to give penetration to the middle.
001100010010011110answered grow question 7 days ago
depends on the genetics. lankier plants that have weak stems may need a 2nd layer for support. there are no pictures. if early in process and plants are still growing, you should defnitely manipulate apical dominance through training to level out the canopy any way you can. Sometime it just takes bending a top down for a day or two for the rest to catch up. Sometimes it takes more. Some plants need support, some do not. I put a second one up to avoid the the occasional floppy AF plant or extreme stretcher.
Snakekingstarted grow question 3 days ago
Hi guys This week i start to see some leaves under the net or some over lap leafs turned completely yellow in every pots all top side leafs are healthy and green. Is it sign of a deficiency? Again thank you for your helps
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 3 days ago
Hello Snakeking, I do not notice any deficiency, they look really healthy and all starting to pre flowering. Happy Growing Buddy! 💚
Regina_viridianswered grow question 2 days ago
Hey snakeking, had a look at Ur diary. Nice job, extreme weather is constant where I am, I would suggest bring Ur ph down to 5.8- 6.2 and ec up to about 2.0, I think they can handle more nutes, yellowing can be normal underneath a srog, eventually she will loose all leaves not exposed to enough light. Great work.😶‍🌫️
Organomananswered grow question 2 days ago
Not necessarily, lower leaves in shadow can turn yellow due to not enough light, and not due to deficiencies of any sort. Your plants look great, I would be not worried at all, just proud of your achievements. In future, pictures showing the exact issue you are asking about would be much, much better than posting videoes.
Snakekingstarted grow question a day ago
Hi guys I'm worry about my girls are going to flowering stage but we are in first month of summer and days are going longer and longer! Why is happening ? 1 of my plants with diff genetic is already in flowering alreadybut as BerrySweetHigh Mentioned all went in pre glowering!:(
BerrySweetHighanswered grow question 17 hours ago
Hello Snakeking, If the days really get longer the plants will just switch back to vegging. And if it turns out that it is an autoflower it will keep flowering till ready for harvest. Happy Growing Buddy! 💚
Organomananswered grow question a day ago
Your plants "know" what they are doing. Better to start early and finish early, before Fall rains begin!
001100010010011110answered grow question a day ago
if your sun is setting at 720pm, it's clearly not a long day. this is biology of the plant and nothing else. It flowered because it got a long enough uninterrupted dark cycle. The required length for this flip to bloom varies by seed.

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oldskoolkoolweek 15
Nice canopy. They're clearly flowering. May be a little early but thats obviously due to where you are. They should stretch for another couple of wks depending on the strain. Barneys Farm don't give a lot of info out though. Most of the breeders have a GZ check theresout for flower stretch to get an idea. You need to get some Top Max.The buds will be bigger.
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oldskoolkoolweek 15
Nice canopy. They're clearly flowering. May be a little early but thats obviously due to where you are. They should stretch for another couple of wks depending on the strain. Barneys Farm don't give a lot of info out though. Most of the breeders have a GZ check theresout for flower stretch to get an idea. You need to get some Top Max.The buds will be bigger.
@oldskoolkool, thanks bro
Snakekingweek 15
I still cant close my questions and like or select your answers. If anyone knows how to fix let me know thank you
Snakekingweek 14
@ BerrySweetHigh thank you so much for you good and clear and heart warming answers i cant like or select answers to close my question but i want you to k ow most of my question get answered by you right and first . Thanks everyone 🙏🏽
Snakekingweek 13
I can't likeor close my questions guys I think it has something to do with site
Snakekingweek 13
Thank you so much guys you helping with your answers and all opinions has something to learn for me at least .i wish one day i can do the same for other people .
GrowthConsultantweek 4
Nicely trained buddy well done 👏👏
@GrowthConsultant, thanks man