Nothing spectacular has been happening this week. I added a lot more CalMag to get rid of the supposed Calcium deficiency and that seems to have helped. New leaves look healthy.
Bulking up slowely and nicely.
Will probably defoliate the leaves showing calcium deficiency...
D57 water 3.0 Liter pH 4,8 EC 1650 µS/cm; drain 0,4l pH 7,5 EC 1500 µS/cm; fertilizer crazy hills week IV
D59 water 3.1 Liter pH 3.8 EC 1100 µS/cm; drain 0,5l pH 7.1 EC 1600 µS/cm; no ferti, 100 mg/l Calcium, 40 mg/l Mag + 2 ml phosphoric acid
D61 water 3.0 Liter pH 4,4 EC 1800 µS/cm; drain 0.5l pH 6.9 EC 1800 µS/cm; fertilizer crazy hills week VI + 25 mg/l Calcium
D63 water 3.1 Liter pH 4.9 EC 1000 µS/cm; drain 0,3l pH 7.1 EC 1300 µS/cm; no ferti, 100 mg/l Calcium, 40 mg/l Mag +1 ml phosphoric acid