I started to germinate my four seeds within the peat pellet. Please don't mind my poor engineering with those Legos 😅.
After three days, they came out of the pellet. Unfortunately, only two stayed within it, and the other ones went out with their roots (third and fourth picture).
I figured that the pellet might have been so dense that instead of growing into the substrate, the roots pushed the whole plant out . Definitely something I have never seen before 😵.
Therefore, I removed the skin of the pellet, softened it up, and put the plants into my new substrate. I also added a new 15 W light so they can grow a bit bigger before they go outside.
So, I put a lot of stress on those four in their early stage, and I expect two of them to have a very difficult time surviving 😔.
Light - 15 Sansi LED
Substrate - BioBizz light mix