Finally getting into some real hot, hazy and humid weather in the next couple of days. Plus warning of some bad hail storm possibly tomorrow and so the cage will remain on her. Noticed her starting to stretch a bit better with the warmer weather, but the Happy Frog/Ocean Forest might be a little strong on the roots. So some burning can be seen but I hope to see that eventually leave with it becoming more mature. Still hoping by Saturday I should be able to top her
@BigBudGuy, for some reason my measurements and all other details went screwy on me. I thought I cleared it all up with yesterdays posting but it keeps screwing me again and again
Hey Mate, your babys looking great as always🙏🏽 would you reccomend the strain so far & by the way, whats your favourit strain you smoked so far? Always on the look for some exotic genetics 😎
Keep up the good work & Check out mine, maybe i can learn some from you👌🏽🍀
Don‘t forget to like & follow if you don‘t mind Brother 😘❤️