Despite the surge in temperatures, reaching 43°C inside the green house, the cultivars seem to be thriving!
With new growth shoots starting to fill the canopy and the heat wave, some foliar feeding was required in order to cool the plants down.
The foliar feed consisted of a "hempseed tea" in water, kelp, sucanat and grinded up hemp seeds.
Additionally a natural tobacco tea was also diluted in water and sprayed, to avoid pests such as aphids and moths.
For the fungus gnats, beetle larvae and ants, the soil has been pre mixed with neem cake, and recently nematodes, which deter most pests.
I'd say it's going pretty well.
@JamesBarre, Salut !C'est vrai ! Mais je pense que je vais le laisser un peu plus longtemps que ce qu'ils disent... 7-8 semaines ne me semblent pas suffisantes 😅👌
@Nistnov, Hey Thanks !
Nope, I'm guessing is due to lower daylight ;) The shade starts to cover them earlier..
But that would work too if you would want to flower them earlier 😁