All pictures were taken on day one of week 3.
I had small problems with DW#2, but could fix it with lower Ca and more Mg.
I checked every flower of signs for a male or germ plant, but the 6 lady’s are looking gorgeous
I removed only a few fan leaves to get light on the lower buds. Till now very lucky with the stretch, all 3 strains are nearly the same high.
Update W3 day 5
Today I had time and lollipopped the lady’s.
I inspected every plant outside the tent. No herms only females 👌🏻
@Sejanus21, Geschmack passt auf jeden Fall, hat aber nicht so den großen weed character wie man es von Straßen haze kennt. Wirkung ist mit ein wenig zu viel glücklich aber müde wenn du verstehst was ich meine ;)
@dubby_m, after a lot of “testing” the dance world is my favourite of the 3 strains. If you need a smoke for a nice evening with good friends and a lot of food without a big high, than I would rec