The fourth week started and it is the first time the lady’s are not welcoming me with a wonderful green color… instead all of them have some nutrients deficiency. On top of that I found leave septoria on the euphoria#1 yesterday. I defoliated every leave with signs of the fungus. Today I just had to remove one extra leaf. Let’s hope I’m lucky 🍀 The RH is not possible to control, because of the weather in 🇩🇪. I forgot to make pictures about the fungus… sorry for that.
The problem with the nutrients deficiency is a little bit annoying, because I did the grow with GreenHouseFeeding. Marketing told me that it gives enough nutrients for 8 weeks. After 2 weeks signs of N deficiency is not what I hoped to see.
So I had to decide to go with GHF again or switch to BioBizz nutrients. I choose the Biobizz option.
I changed the Ca/Mg in the water to 100/33.
Day 4
I added a support net, because some of the upper bud sites are not looking very stabel.
Better safe than sorry
@Sejanus21, Geschmack passt auf jeden Fall, hat aber nicht so den großen weed character wie man es von Straßen haze kennt. Wirkung ist mit ein wenig zu viel glücklich aber müde wenn du verstehst was ich meine ;)
@dubby_m, after a lot of “testing” the dance world is my favourite of the 3 strains. If you need a smoke for a nice evening with good friends and a lot of food without a big high, than I would rec