This week, I took all the plants out of the room and gave them a good bondage lesson. Tied down most of the branches to spread them out which is why the room looks so crowded. Also cleaned the salt buildup on the makeshift irrigation so that it would flow consistently. Turned on the last of the irrigation timers as well, so the plants are getting 60 minutes of irrigation time throughout the day spaced at every 4 hours. Most of the plants are through the main stretch. Deez nugs stayed smaller while the MWxGWK absolutely rocketed and is as tall as the purple lemonade now. Purple lemonade very smelly of sour lemon so much it makes me salivate. Wonderful aroma. The deez nugs and MWxGWK are throwing buds and lots of pistils now. Moved my dehumidifier into the room and dropped the humidity to avoid PM and other issues.
These are going to be monster buds.
Congratulations on your harvest growmie 🔥🌱 looks good, did you drop the temperatures at night time? The purple usually comes out when it's cool weather
@MrGreen92, Geekpure on amazon. It's like . It only generates 100 GPD but that's more than enough for me. I fill a 55 gallon food grade barrel with it and that'll last me a couple weeks until they're heavy in flower.