Welcome to end of flowering week no 5.
Got a new air compressor so I made some tea.
Think I have some minor cal/mag issues especially on the biggest plant in the back, but they will make it without much intervention.
Actually I'm quite satisfied with this run.
After this harvest I will do a Lab soil test, the first ever in this raised bed. It runs untouched (ok every run a bit of top dress) for several years now and I think it is time for some data...
Have a green week🌿💚
@Chr_Fo, Oh, makes sense if you're drying like that, wet weight is usually for drying racks, so then u can weight only the buds. But anyway, it looks really promissing, i'm sure you'll be happy with the yield!
@DuckeedWizard, thanks a lot. I don't put it on a scale while wet. This doesn't make sense to me especially
because I don't separate the buds from branches while drying. I would cut off the whole plant and hang it upside down for drying if I would get it through the scrognet. I don't get why gd is asking for wet weight... I will add budmass after drying and trimming in about 2-3 weeks 😉