Directly planted the seeds in soil.
Added the Mykorrhiza directly into the earth and gave it a nice mix, 5g (1 spoon) per pot. Am around 240g per cup. Added a lil CalMag and Bittersalt as my water sucks in MG , but is pretty nice in calcium.
Rootjuice, Heaven, Acti-Vera added to the soil water.
Germinated in my tent, 75% Relative Humidity, stable, using a humidifier with sensor.
Lamp was running on 20% dimmed, heating up the tent to an average of 28 Celcius, germination done in a warm, wet climate. Perfect! 4 days from plant to pop.
100% success rate, what a nice headstart!
From now I'll lower my humidity to around 70%, and keep my light dimmed at aroud 20% for the next 7 to 10 days!
Ill update the picture throughout the next couple of days!