😳I wasn’t supposed to grow these.
👊🏼😜🌲🔥🙌🏼🙏🏼 But alright thank you let’s do this lol.
These girls have been through a lot. They have been around for just as long as my last harvest. They were originally cut from my plants sisters the day I got them from my friend. He has gotten some seeds and has decided to grow them. These girls went to another friend with an aerocloner setup to see if we could get some perpetual grows going. Our other friend wasn’t taking care of the aerocloner properly so we decided it would be best to move it to my place with another smaller 1.5x3 tent with a 300 watt led. So I inherited the cloner and clones to get ready. Ten of the clones managed to pull through and were transplanted into 1 gallon pots and stayed in the smaller tent next to my first grow for its entirety. Now that my first grow has been harvested I will get some 5 gal fabric pots and transplant them after I clean the larger tent.
I’m gonna be sitting on a lot of great day medicine if they turn out like my first grow. I won’t be scrogging them I’m planning on just letting eight grow(2sold), just keep em clean and upright, Veg for a few weeks after transplanting and then flip to 12/12. I’m just gonna use the rest of the Emerald harvest nutrients I have.
Hope all is well with everyone and wish you all healthy and happy harvests!!
Nice! I've got some clones from my GC going too. I pulled them after they were flowering for about 10 days. They finally rooted and they're growing like crazy. I just started my diary at week 4