al_heanswered grow question 7 months ago Hi... I've had similar issues twice, where it turned out there was root damage after germinating in a paper towel and then transferring directly to soil. I use a root riot/peat puck nowadays to check root development more easily - one a plant is in soil it's more likely than not that you don't want to disturb the root but there's obviously an issue here.
The first time I had a stunted growth at this stage, I watered the soil until it was a little crumbly and then went to repot the plant and visually, the root was just a small stump with no tendrils.
The second time, I asked a friend to check on it, he gently dug around the soil at the base of the plant and it just fell over, once again a small stump for a root system.
That's just from my experience which is limited but I now monitor growth carefully at germination (paper towel, root riot, then soil) to look out for such issues.
Anyway, take care, if this one doesn't grow, the next one will :)