Still progressing nicely. Some damage on the leafs but it looks like it's under control now that I've added Calcium Magnesium.
I definitely should have used a scrog net here as the height went a bit out of control, but it's easy to let this grow slide without giving it too much attention, the DWC has really turned out to be a carefree setup.
Overall this genetic seems to be fast as fuck flowering. Let's see if the plant keeps on behaving nicely or if I find myself with some rapid crisis.
The one thing that is a breath of fresh air is the lack of bugs compared to the soil setup.
Had to change the solution in the tank as I fucked up the amounts of nutrients in the previous weeks as I didn't pay attention to the nutrient instructions.
I have been doing things very randomly and with no consistency and yet this plant seems to be doing pretty well.
Some signs of hermaphroditism unfortunately have started to show, could likely be all the randomness. I've tried to remove as many male "balls" as I could find to avoid having seeds later on. Let's wait and see how things evolve.