
#2 - 🇩🇪 Auto Skywalker Balcony

3 hours ago
Room Type
weeks 3, 5
weeks 5
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Grow medium
Germination Method
Glass Of Water
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 23%
Auto Skywalker Haze
Avg. success
Dutch Passion - 91%
Auto Skywalker Haze - 91%
Commented by
saucyp saucyp
4 hours ago
Sorry, no pictures. But basically the same as my other diary #1: Started 2 seeds in wet paper towel for 2d, then moved to coco jiffy. However, both lost their taproot to fungal infection - probably too moist and/or coco already full of fungal spores. I throw them out and soaked another 2 seeds in warm water for 2d in darkness, then directly transferred to potting soil (taproot: 2-4mm when transplanted).
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