There were zero illnesses despite cold and dry spells and it grew pretty tall despite those hardships.
The smell turned from acidic to a pleasant smell that reminds me of jasmine tea. Yummy!
Now that there's a few brown trichomes on every bud I've finally taken it down for harvest. I measured 161g, paired with the three twigs I've harvested last week I'm guessing a total of 180g wet material, including fan leaves and twigs (is this how you're supposed to measure?).
It could be that the plants did not get enough water when you were gone. Especially when the soil was extremely dry when you arrived back.
Hopefully the yellow leaves will turn back to normal soon!
@Zammi_official, I think so too. Got a good loupe from a friend now, and while the trichomes seem close to perfect, I don't think there would be this many yellow leaves under normal circumstances. The yellow leaves have mostly fallen off now, but I think that's fine, the buds will surely enjoy the fresh air.
sono curioso di sapere se qusta pianta a dato segni di emafrodismo
anni addietro ho coltivato qusta pianta e dopo un lungo tempo di vegetativa è andata in semilla
puo darsi che la mia sia stata impollinata da un'altra pianta in loco
@cricri, It indeed could be that there was a plant somewhere close that already had these pollen. Hopefully these plant will turn into some beautiful girls!