Well, another week has come and gone. I should have put this up monday. As you can see. These plants seemto love the bud ignitor. I am amazed how much faster my plants are starting off with it. She has now been switched over to the Big bud. I will use that for the next 3 or 4 weeks, then change to the over drive. I will have to see how long it looks like this one will take. She is super healthy and putting weight on fast. 😁
@Zollies_zn, Thanks, I am just starting another of this and the Critical purple to finish the year out with. My friends love these 2 strains. my goal will be a 10 oz minimum for both 😀
Things look to be coming together with your grow very nicely. Healthy color and plants with vigor is always a winning combination in my opinion. I'm very excited to see how these plants progress as you start training and flowering them. Best wishes buddy :D
@GreenISR, Sorry. I thought I had up dated. I only got 7.5 oz from her. I broke a main branch early in flower and didn't notice it. If I had. I probably would have hit at least 9 oz. I will be growing another soon though. My new grow will start around april. Once I have all these plants finished.