8/19 Monday Still no life from NYC but GOAT is GOAT. I got some more RQS stuff. Best hobby of my life, I can't hurt myself, lose a limb or crash......just bugs and dirty filters to worry about!!! Great stuff RQS!!!!
8/20 NYC isn't waking up so Im planting another one today..... I don't know what happened ??? Im going to plant the seed off center more so if the other one does sprout I'll move her to another pot. I get lots of free seeds and special offers from RQS so if something doesnt work I have lots of other seeds. I got 3 free Orions I couldn't believe it.
I found NYC Souf D.... I haven't planted in a while and wasn't careful and buried the seed too deep and the first watering put it about a full 2 inches below the dirt that compacted on top of it when I watered and put on the perlite. It sprouted an extremely tiny red stem with 2 small cotyledons growing sideways, it wouldn't survive ill get a picture later. II needed to add another .25 oz of Easy Boost anyway. So I am starting over with NYC Soul D......doing it right this time....👍
Got it all re-done and should be awake within a day or so.
8/21 Goat is looking perfect seeing purples already, she will be beautiful I can tell. NYC is waiting to wake up, I sprayed some water on them today
8/22 looks good
8/23 1am Tyson 2.0 NYC Sour D sprouted!!!!!
4am WOW I can't believe how STRONG she is, not pealing back from the light super fast too, she's really special!!! The light is a little bright and close so I move the plants about once an hour, looking good now!! NYC is fast growng a very thick main stem already
8/24 5am Sour D is looking good
8/25 2 am Both are looking great!! Added .4ml of Purpinator to a gallon of water 6.8pH and will use that for the next couple days. I really like that I used RSQ Easy Boost lots easier. 12pm I moved NYC to the corner of the tent so she is not under direct light. She is doing great and GOAT is already a MONSTER. I never had a successful grow in 1 gallon until now. My last grow had badly infested bugs from the dirt I got. So I got this new stuff that's expensive but it's in an airtight package so no bugs.