We finally moved them to the hydroponic set up.
I’m controlling everything except the in line fan and the spider farmer fan with the 69 pro infinity (Witch I’m in love by the way)
Watermelons are in the left, Coco Fresh on the right, Coco Fresh are going to be bigger plants for sure.
Spider farmer G8600 / 16 inch / 50%
I will be switching to their new G1000W in 2 weeks.
I will be using Floraflex:
V1 8 grams
V2 8 grams
For a 5 gallons bucket with 4 gallons of water / 650 PPM / 5.8 PH
Im kind of fighting with the humidity, AC infinity T7 Cloud forge should arrive in a week in order to help me out because the 2 humidifiers im using are not doing to much.
I’m very exited to see them wrong.