
My First Grow

6 days ago
Room Type
Grow medium
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
Germination Method
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 6%
Afghan Kush
Avg. success
Homegrown Cannabis Co - 88%
Afghan Kush - 100%
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DefaultBehavior DefaultBehavior
19 days ago
Day 1: I’m using a cloth towel instead of a paper towel, but I also have it in a warm grow tent with a humidifier running nonstop. Day 2: The seed popped, and the taproot appeared by the end of of the day Day 3: The seed was planted in soil (5gal: 40% Country Roots Living Soil, 25% coco coir, 25% perlite, and 10% yard compost. The soil mixture was fed with 1 cup Down to Earth Bio-live. Another tiny pinch of the Bio-live was mixed into the hole where the seed was planted. The light is set at 36%, 18 hours, and sitting about 18 inches above the soil. A humidifier is running in conjunction with the exhaust fan to keep the relative humidity at around 80 - 83% and the VPD at 1.5 - 1.7 kPa. Day 7: finally a sprout! There is a little damage to one of the cotyledons where soil was stuck to it
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Murkatweek 0
Seed is in the pot! The medium is 10% yard compost, 40% Country Roots Living Soil, 25% coco coir, and 25% perlite. I also mixed about 1 cup of Down to Earth Bio-Live into the 5 gallons of mixed soil, and sprinkled a tiny pinch into the hole where I placed the popped seed.
Murkatweek 0
Seed started opening at 24 hours 😁💚
Murkatweek 0
Seed is in the pot! The medium is 10% yard compost, 40% Country Roots Living Soil, 25% coco coir, and 25% perlite. I also mixed about 1 cup of Down to Earth Bio-Live into the 5 gallons of mixed soil, and sprinkled a tiny pinch into the hole where I placed the popped seed.
RickSanchezweek 0
Nice ☺️ Best of luck and happy growing, mate 🌱💚