DAY 8 - 8/24/24 - No feed planed for today. Coco is ample wet, I plunged a pen 90% of the way into the soil in a ring around the mid outer edge, minding the root zone of the plants. Temp and humidity are stable in the range I am looking for. Couldn’t be happier. I am trying to reduce my fan usage now as much as I can. I have also introduced the humidifier into the flow. It is placed outside the right door of the secondary lungroom, near the pool table. I have it set to auto sustain ~60% for now, on low fan power. It is a 2 speed device. High or Low. I hear the system turning on for a minute or two and then turning off. Not producing too much heat right now. Pleased with the results so far. Monitoring closely. You will note, originally the dehumidifier was placed just inside the right side door, this introduced way too much heat, thus the move. The 40 inch fan sometimes gets stuck during its rotation. Monitoring that closely as well. Not terrible if it isn't oscillating, but it is no doubt better for the plants and environment if it is oscillating.
FEED: none. Coco wet, water at bottom of autopot.
NIGHT (12-2AM)
HIGH: T 75.6 H 69.2
LOW: T 72 H 64.5
AVE: T 73.2 H 68.5
HIGH: T 78.4 H 65
LOW: T 73 H 55.8
AVE: T 75.2 H 62.4
DAY 9 - 8/25/24 - Plants looking good around 5:45 PM, took 2 pics, 1 just after night, 1 late thru day to compare. Also I recalibrated my PH pen, as its been about a week since I did it last. Matched the 7.0 and 4.0 vials. Some plant leaves are a little sideways bendy, maybe because 40 inch isnt rotating properly. Maybe because of humidity, the 40 inch does not rotate well at an angle, it gets hung up on the tent. I’ve adjusted it to be flat, not upward angled. Its a little more rough on the top coco layer, but the plants are growing nicely, I believe they can handle it. Temp and humidity before I started messing with it, last hour ave: T 74.8, H 57.8. I aerate the soil 12 times in a clock pattern around the outer ring of the pots. I shook plants around pretty vigorously to get the water off them. Gently, mindful of the early life stage of the plant, but decently vigorously. A little rough 'em up should be just fine at this stage.
Ok the most steady position seems to be A8 at level 6, light at 8, 18 inches from plants in veg, S6s st level 10, A6 at level 6, 27 inch tower at level 2, 40 inch tower at level 1, humidifier at, auto 60, low vornado at level 2.
FEED: Veg A 60ml, Veg B 60ml, CalMag 2.5ml, Silica 1ml, PH’d @ 5.9
NIGHT (12-2AM)
HIGH: T 76.1 H 64.2
LOW: T 73 H 60
AVE: T 74.1 H 63.1
HIGH: T 81.3 H 62.4
LOW: T 74.3 H 54.8
AVE: T 75.9 H 59.4
DAY 10 - 8/26/24 - Plants a little wilty. Probably too moist. I am still dialing in the numbers, changing fan positions and levels slightly, setting target temps and humidities slightly differently. My numbers are nearly perfect and I am leaving it alone for large portions of the day so I can see what needs to be changed.
FEED: None.
Current levels/targets are as follows.
Port 1 (A8): Auto Highs of T 75 H 65 Max 8 Min 6
Port 2 (light): 8 veg constant 2 AM-12 AM.
Port 3: (S6): Auto High T 73, H 65. H was set to 58, till I took a look and changed right now. This may change later. I have not been looking at this closely.
Port 4: (A6): Auto High T 75 Max 8, Min 6
Temps stable in the day 75-78, Night 73-75
NIGHT (12-2AM)
HIGH: T 76.2 H 67.7
LOW: T 73 H 61
AVE: T 73.7 H 66.1
HIGH: T 77.8 H 63.5
LOW: T 74 H 56.9
AVE: T 75.7 H 59.8
Additional Datasets from 8/26/24:
HIGH: T 77.8 H 67.7
LOW: T 73 H 59.4
AVE: T 76.1 H 62.6
HIGH: T 77.2 H 62.4
LOW: T 75.7 H 59.4
AVE: T 76.4 H 61.2
HIGH: T 77.8 H 63.5
LOW: T 76.1 H 61.4
AVE: T 77.3 H 62.4
DAY 11 - 8/27/24 - Notes taken at 1:20 PM Plants STILL wilty. Definitely no feed today. I want the roots to have some dry coco. May up the dehumidifier to hold at 55 H instead of 60. We are nearing the end of early veg and I still have about half the SRS feed left. Will much of it into my autopots which should be turning on in the next few days? I may still need to top water for a day or so when they first come on.
FEED: None.
Current levels/targets are as follows.
Port 1 (A8): Auto Highs of T 75 H 65 Max 8 Min 6
Port 2 (light): 8 veg constant 2 AM-12 AM, 18 inches from plant.
Port 3: (S6): I just turned off the temp trigger of 73, no T trigger currently, set H trigger to 50
Port 4: (A6): Auto Highs of T 75 H 65 Max 8 Min 6
Extra S6 (not ported): 10, oscillating, at the light’s power brick layer and just above and beneath.
27 Inch: 2, oscillating
40 Inch: 1, oscillating
Vornado: 2
Dehumidifier: auto 60, low.
Humidifier: OFF, not in tent
Temps stable in the day. Temps rise at night. From about 9 PM-5 AM. Not connected to house settings. There is no temperature or humidity control ni my basement, where my grow is. Temps are typically cool down and moist down here. Maybe ~70-72 T, ~65 H
NIGHT (12-2AM)
HIGH: T 75.6 H 68.4
LOW: T 72 H 61.8
AVE: T 73.2 H 66.9
HIGH: T 78.1 H 67
LOW: T 74 H 57
AVE: T 76.2 H 60
DAY 12 - 8/28/24 - Yesterday I set the humidifier to point its spout near the stairwell. It is pretty close to the left of the outside of the right back doorway for the secondary lungroom. I turned up the 40 inch to level 2 last night. Plants should be able to take it, and I could use the extra air. I also set the dehumidifier back to 60 auto low. 55 hold was fucking up the VPD numbers, making them far too high. Good to remember for flower!
FEED: None.
Updated day estimates:
Real Night (8PM-4AM), temp remains stable, but is high, humidity is high, slowly rises over course of time. Lights out is a factor as it is in the middle of this for a quarter of the total time.
Lights Out (12-2AM), temp drops considerably. humidity rises throughout Lights Out. The numbers even out afterwards, then begin to drop as the time enters Real Morning about two hours later.
Real Morning (4AM-12PM), temp and humidity drop off low, then rise, change of 3-4 points throughout the day.
Real Day (12PM-8PM), temp rises slightly, humidity drops slightly over the course of time.
Current levels/targets are as follows.
Port 1 (A8): Auto Highs of T 75 H 65 Max 8 Min 6
Port 2 (light): 8 veg constant 2 AM-12 AM, 18 inches from plant.
Port 3: (S6): no T trigger, H trigger at 50
Port 4: (A6): Auto Highs of T 75 H 65 Max 8 Min 6
Extra S6 (not ported): 10, oscillating, at the light’s power brick layer and just above and beneath.
27 Inch: 2, oscillating
40 Inch: 2, oscillating
Vornado: 2
Dehumidifier: auto 60, low, slightly repositioned last night.
Humidifier: OFF, not in tent
NIGHT (12-2AM)
HIGH: T 77 H 68.3
LOW: T 74.1 H 61.9
AVE: T 74.4 H 67
HIGH: T 77.7 H 65.9
LOW: T 74 H 56.1
AVE: T 76.3 H 59.8
DAY 13 - 8/29/24 - Plants looking pretty good. Back Left continues to stretch. Has some yellow on leaves, likely from being too close to the light. I noticed the 8 inch ducting had torn again. I spent time repairing that and adjusting the straps for the ducting system today. I am happy with it now. I also repositioned the fans, closed the top right vent, and have been playing with levels. Coco is nearly dry to the point where I want to feed. Will likely feed at lights on @ 2 AM tomorrow.
FEED: None.
Air ducting depositing air into the middle of the pot area on the floor, pointed up.
S6 (Port 3) is placed in the front left corner, oscillating, level 10, at plant layer, pointed up
S6 (not ported) is
27-inch is in back right corner, positioned upward, oscillating level 2
40-inch is in the top right corner, flat, oscillating level 2
Vornado is in the same position, level 2
Dehumidifier: positioned as last started, @ Manual Hold 55, low
Humidifier, same, not in use currently
Current levels/targets are as follows.
Port 1 (A8): Auto High of T 74 Max 6 Min 4
Port 2 (light): 8 veg constant 2 AM-12 AM, 18 inches from plant.
Port 3: (S6): no T trigger, H trigger at 50. is placed in the Front Left corner at plant layer, pointed up, oscillating, level 10.
Port 4: (A6): Auto High of T 77 Max 8 Min 4
Extra S6 (not ported): In the Front Right corner pointed at the light’s power brick layer and just above and beneath. Oscillating, level 10.
Air ducting depositing air into the middle of the pot area on the floor, pointed up.
27-inch is in Back Right corner, positioned upward, oscillating level 2
40-inch is in the Back Left corner, flat, oscillating level 2
Vornado is in the same position, level 2
Dehumidifier: positioned as last started, @ Manual Hold 55, low
Humidifier, same, not in use currently
NIGHT (12-2AM)
HIGH: T 77 H 65.2
LOW: T 73.7 H 59.4
AVE: T 74 H 64.3
HIGH: T 80.1 H 72.2
LOW: T 74.2 H 51.9
AVE: T 77.3 H 58.1
DAY 14 - 8/30/24 - Plants looking great! Messed with coco. Tried to massage deeper into the fabric pots. Created little dirt mounds for support around each of the plants. Water desperately needed. Coco ample dry. Closed top right vent. Fed @ 2AM, water did not penetrate all the coco on all the sides. I prioritized the middle where the dynomyco spark is. Plants are wide and most are stout. Plan on setting up the Autopot System tomorrow. :)
FEED: 2 AM: Veg A 60ml, Veg B 60ml, CalMag 3 ml, Silica 3 ml, DynoMyco Spark 5 cc per plant, top added, then watered. PH’d @ 5.9, then added more water, non PH’d 8 oz worth. Maybe 2 oz per plant?
FEED: 1:30PM: Veg A 60ml, Veg B 60ml, CalMag 3 ml, Silica 3 ml, PH’d @ 5.8
NIGHT (12-2AM)
HIGH: T 76.9 H 64.1
LOW: T 74.3 H 59.3
AVE: T 74.5 H 63.4
HIGH: T 78.3 H 68.9
LOW: T 73.6 H 56.2
AVE: T 76.2 H 60.3
@KurtHighgrade, Thank you so much!! I am very much still learning as this is only my second grow. I am already planning through the necessary adjustments I can make for my next grow. The whole process is straight up addicting lmao
What an incredible grow! Kudos to you and thank you for sharing. I'm currently growing Frosted Cherry O's F2, Granite Runtz, and a "mystery" seed all from Speedrun. Their genetics seem to be top notch and my grow is going very well so far. Yours is an inspiration.
@dvr147, Thank you so much!! I am still working on my drying and curing process. I massacred my buds with a bowl trimmer. Made some really nice and tasty bud tho!
Nice grow looks fire! Hows she smoke what the terpenes like any citrus? looking to do a speedrun next go round but look likes alot of citrus strains not my cup of tea!