I removed one leaf of the plant in the middle because it was touching the soil.
Also I ajusted the LST and tucked some leafes.
Everything is going well, except some leaves have micro holes maybe its my fault because I was to ruff.
To my suprise the smallest seed, also the one that took the longest to peek out of the soil is now the biggest plant.
Tipp needed:
Can maybe someone tell me if the temp./humid. is okay or should I spray them or try to lower the temp. I lowerd my device so it is near the plants and not right under the light maybe that will change the temp.
Super izgleda,nadam se da ce moja sledeca tura biti kao tvoja bogata 💪
Moja je tek pocela se osjetit prije koji dan,jer mi je otvoren box,jedan otvor za bolju ventilaciju i temperaturu!
Mirise ujutro kad ustanem,i kad dodem sa posla,a nitko prije toga nije bio u kuci,cim malo prosetas po kuci,odma miris nestane,miriso sam direkt cvjece,zabio nos u njih i skroz slabo,samo jedan dan ustanem i gledam sta se osjeti,dok nisam skuzio da je to,nije iz pocetka imala miris kanabisa,ali sad se osjeti ono pravo i mirise kvalitet 😀🤜🤛
Svako dobro i sretna berba