
Arjan’s Ultra Haze (Feminized) Mango Haze

2 days ago
Room Type
Grow medium
Coco Coir
Grow medium
Grow medium
Germination Method
Glass Of Water
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 23%
Arjans Ultra Haze #1
Avg. success
Green House Seed Co. - 90%
Arjans Ultra Haze #1 - 75%
Commented by
SilverDutchman SilverDutchman
2 days ago
Diary 3, third time lucky? Mango haze!! Think I bought an auto flower, had the page say it’ll be done in 13weeks then I’m seeing people take 20weeks on here so maybe a conflict of strain labelling? We will find out!! 10 seeds in glas of water. 24hours and 2x seeds dropped to bottom. 48hours and 5x seeds dropped to bottom. 4 hours of germination in the glass and I’ve moved each 10x seed into a coco coir seedling pot, which has then been gently buried at the top of the soil bags. Gentle spray with water and cup placed over them and moved into the tent to start their journey. I had a a lot of mixed messages about how to do the seedling germination so I said fu to most and just went my way. Decided to overcompensate with 10 seeds because…. Check the last diaries… Be back in a few days to update on if they survived or not! Hoping not to over water these kids this time so after spraying and wetting the coco coir to expand it was hands off and here we go. Note 30mins later and the coco coir in one of them shot up and pushed the seed somewhere in the soil so we got a lottery of seeds.
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