Starting to see an above ground growth spurt. While they only increased just over an inch in height this past week, they look much fuller.
Added the humidifier to keep the humidity up without the dome.
Gave the pots 2 liters of nutrient solution each a couple of days after transplanting and waiting until the surface of the pro-mix to dry before adding more.
Hell yeah ! That scrog be filled up well and done properly , keep up the good work brotha ! Best of luck to you on the rest of your grow !
-Happy Growing!
@Marabou_Stork, Yeah man , Id say you can flip the lights any time now them ladies like primed up and ready to go !
Thanks for responding!
-Happy Growing!
@Psilocubensis, The CBD Bubba came from the CBD Botanic Seedbank via this source,
Have smoked it the past couple of weeks and made some CBD olive oil that I have taken by sublingual application (under the tongue).
Even with just 8% thc it has a nice stone when smoked but not overwhelming when ingested.