Germinated these in moist rapid rooters inside an empty egg carton, which over the years has been my most effective method. The temperature in the tent averaged 80-85F.
After three days, 2 germinated (Lemon Cherry Cookies grew upside-down and the taproot stuck up, so I had to perform some quick surgery on the rooter to flip it right-side-up and saved it!), then on the fourth day 2 more germinated, and finally on the fifth or sixth day the 5th seed germinated.
That fifth and sixth day, I had to go out of town, that's why in the photo you'll notice the automatic watering system.
Unfortunately, the Gelato Auto seed never germinated and because it's more than 3 months after I ordered it, it's no longer under warranty. I put another Gelato Auto seed in a rooter 3 days ago and it hasn't sprouted yet. If it does, I'll post about it, otherwise will assume it's dead like the other from the same batch.