
First Grow (Autoflower)

13 days ago
Trizzlers Auto Fem
Room Type
Happy Frog
Grow medium
Germination Method
Glass Of Water
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 23%
OG Kush Auto
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 93%
OG Kush Auto - 92%
Trizzlers Auto Fem
Avg. success
- %
Trizzlers Auto Fem - %
Amnesia Haze Auto
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 93%
Amnesia Haze Auto - 95%
Commented by
MrGanjaGuy MrGanjaGuy
13 days ago
Weekly Grow Checklist: Week #: 1 GERMINATION STAGE Strain Name: OG Kush, Trizzlers Auto, Amnesia Haze 1. Growth Observations: "Today I started the germination process by using a glass of water for 7 days, once the 7 days it up I will move them over to small decompasible starter pots for seeds." Height: 0 Leaf Color: Light Green Any visible issues (pests, nutrient deficiencies, etc.): One did not sprout completely, its about a quarter inch with no visible roots appearing yet 2. Nutrient Feeding: None Nutrients Added: Amount (ml/g per liter): N/A pH level: N/A EC/PPM readings (if applicable): N/A 3. Environmental Conditions: N/A Average Temperature (Day/Night): 75.9 Humidity (%): 52% Light Schedule (hours on/off): 12hr 8AM start time Distance from light source (cm/inches): 12inch 4. Watering Schedule: N/A Frequency: Amount of water per plant: N/A 5. Pruning & Training (if applicable): N/A Methods used (LST, topping, etc.): N/A Any trimming done: N/A 6. Health Check: N/A Pest Control Measures (if any): N/A Check for mold/mildew: N/A Check for nutrient burn/deficiency: N/A 7. Notes/To-Do: I need to do a daily check on the plants, ensure that they are growing and planted properly. I also need to ensure watering happens on a regular basis and tracking PH levels. Tasks for the next week: Watering, PH level check, correct all environemental issues (low humidity, high tempatures, etc.) General observations: It appears that 2 of the 4 seedlings are healthy, 1 is not growing as fast, and 1 did not make it.
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Fast_Budsweek 0
Hi there, Thank you for running this diary. We will be looking forward to your updates. Happy growing 🌱🌱 & Good luck 😃
Hawk2week 0
Good luck and happy growing 🌱🍀🥦💚
MrGanjaGuyweek 0
If anyone is interested in my checksheet, also if any of the items seem too much or too little please let me know where I could adjust! Check the Temperature & Humidity: Ensure the temperature is between 68°F-77°F (20°C-25°C) and humidity is at the appropriate level (40-70% depending on growth stage). Monitor the Lights: Make sure grow lights are working properly. Light cycle should be adjusted depending on the stage (18 hours light for vegetative, 12 hours for flowering). Inspect the Plants: Look for any signs of pests, nutrient deficiencies (yellowing leaves, spotting), or mold. Check leaves, stems, and soil for any abnormalities. Watering: Check moisture levels by feeling the soil. Water if the top inch feels dry. pH of the water should be in the range of 6.0-7.0. Air Circulation: Ensure fans and ventilation systems are working. Check airflow to prevent mold and pests. Weekly Checklist Nutrient Feeding: Depending on the growth stage, use the appropriate nutrients. Vegetative stage: High nitrogen. Flowering stage: High phosphorus and potassium. Always check and adjust the nutrient solution’s pH (6.0-6.5 for soil, 5.5-6.0 for hydroponics). Soil and Pot Check: Ensure pots are draining well. Check the soil condition for compaction, drainage, and root growth. Pruning & Training: Trim lower leaves and branches to increase airflow. Train plants using techniques like low-stress training (LST) or topping to maximize yields. Check for Pests/Mold: Use magnifying tools to thoroughly check for spider mites, aphids, or mold. Apply organic pest control methods if needed. Change Light Cycle (if needed): Adjust lighting schedules when transitioning between growth stages. Flush the Plants: If you are in the flowering stage, a weekly flush with plain water (no nutrients) is often recommended to avoid nutrient build-up.
MrGanjaGuyweek 0
If anyone is interested in my more Scientific log Growth Stages and Time Frame: Seedling: 1-2 weeks. Vegetative: 4-8 weeks. Flowering: 8-12 weeks (depending on strain). Environmental Stats: Temperature: Day: 68°F-77°F (20°C-25°C). Night: 62°F-72°F (17°C-22°C). Humidity: Seedling: 65%-70%. Vegetative: 40%-70%. Flowering: 40%-50%. CO2 Levels: Keep between 1200-1500 ppm during the vegetative and early flowering stages if you're adding CO2. Nutrient Levels: EC (Electrical Conductivity): Seedling: 0.8-1.2 mS/cm. Vegetative: 1.2-1.6 mS/cm. Flowering: 1.6-2.0 mS/cm. pH Levels: Soil: 6.0-7.0. Hydroponics: 5.5-6.5. Watering Stats: Water Quantity: Based on plant size (e.g., 500ml for young plants, increasing to a liter or more for larger ones). Water pH: Keep between 6.0-7.0. Frequency: Varies by growth stage (every 2-3 days typically). Light Intensity: PPFD (Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density): Vegetative stage: 400-600 µmol/m²/s. Flowering stage: 600-900 µmol/m²/s. Plant Height and Canopy Spread: Record changes weekly as part of plant growth data. This will help monitor stretch during flowering and overall health. Observation Log: Any signs of stress (leaf yellowing, curling, spots). Pests or mold occurrences. Training techniques used (topping, LST, etc.). Flowering stage observations (pistils, trichomes development).