
m0use's Outdoor 2024

4 days ago
CBD 1:1 Silver Lime Haze Auto
Growing it
Did verry well outdoors, lovley smells.
The Outcome
Week 3
What's on the scales?
Bud dry weight
What's on the scales?
Bud wet weight
Number of plants harvested
Grow Room
Grow Room size
g / watt
g / m²
g / plant
plant / m²
watt / m²
Tastes like
Feels like
50% Sativa 50% Indica

Positive effects

Commented by
m0use m0use
4 days ago
Alright going to compile all the results of the different harvests into this one report. Its easier to have all the pics in one place. They are all autoflowers, Best grown outdoors in my area as they finish on time and just before the rainy season where molds and WPM takes over anything. So there is a lot happening in the pics. Took a pick of the planter after I harvested and of the plants hanging up, Some of them are in the bags from the freezer. All the plants where trimmed wet and frozen fresh expect the Blue Dream, They will all be getting turned into Bubble Hash once the weather gets a bit colder in my area. Will do it on the desk when its aorund 0c so freeze point but nothing to crazy. Side notes, One plant grew a weird colourization thing and have dark and light leaves on one branch. looked kinda neat, and one of the plants I found a bunch of hatched eggs "maybe butterfly??" on one of the undersides leaves. Will not know harvest weights or anything till after I transform it all into the hash. Most of the plants weed and not weed grew roots outside of the planters and across the deck boards, kinda fun to see when moving the planters. Had a velcro like effect to them. Many of the plants did not even survive a week past germination or did not germinate at all. I did not included these into the report and most of them where from older seeds. One of them was not but it is a strain I have known to be a little bitch unless everything is perfect and easy. so not the best genetics overall. Out of the ones I did grow and that survived they are listed below. Fast Buds CBD 20:1 This plant grew small in both containers it was placed in and did not excel very much, it had an ok growth pattern but nothing to write home about, Likely best suited for an indoor growing environment. vs outdoors, Need to try this one again in a better pot or indoors. Curious about its flavours and potential when given more of a ideal environment. Exotic Seeds Strawberry Cola This plant did well in the small container it had, Made some nice looking buds for what it was dealing with, Did not have the best sun vs some of the other plants and showed a bit of WPM at the end of the harvest on one of its leaves. If it was grown is a large container like some of the other well performing plants im sure it would be a bit better but still a squat plant, perfect for my stealthy grows where you need things contained a bit more. Ganja Farmer Blue Dream Did well, had a few of them growing in smaller pots and one in a big pot. the smaller ones where not worth doing anything with, really needs its own pot not shared and good amount of medium. it will thrives. Plant had no real issues and grew well. Ganja Farmer Gorilla Cookies This was the best performing auto out of them, It had the bigger plant and took up the most room. It was in a planter with a smaller plant and it did not make it. The Gorilla Cookies overtook it and excelled heavily. Great buds and nice frost, if I had more I would grow this one again. TBH any of the Gorilla line up from Ganja Farmer has been very impressive outdoors for me. I have tried a few of their other strains and had some issues from smaller plants and pests but the Gorilla mixes and lineup is a winner for sure. Would recommend this to anyone who just wants to set it and forget it and feed every so often. Fast Buds Apricot This was the 2nd best performing plant, it was just a bit smaller then the Gaja Farmer plants and they where located beside each others planter boxes. The Apricot did share its space with another plant that grew to a descent size so it was share more of its resources then the cookies. another good option to have for an outdoor grow, just let it be and harvest end of it all. Great smells and looks, would grow it again for the smell alone its nice when you walk past it and bump it then waft the sweet nectar of the plant. Seedstockers Blackberry Gum Very tasty plant and excellent aroma off of it. It came out strong and grew very well. It was planted with another seedstockers plant that did similar and had a great overall success. Of the two plant that popped off one was more fruity then the other and the other was more sour. All of the plants I grew from SeedStockers this year where great growers and produces. Will do them again and again if I have the chance to. They don't seem to have duds in the seed like the others ones did, and they where just as old as the oldest ones. So they last for a while. Seedstockers CBD 1:1 Silver Lime Haze This was the plant growing inside the same container as the blackberry gum. It had a great hazy smell, sour and hints of cirtus. Like the other Seedstocker seeds it had two that popped up and one of them was more diesel. When trimming this one it was oliy as fuck. I have no doubt if I pressed this stuff for rosin it would be a heavy producer. Love the 1:1 ratio of CBD to THC and think more strains need to do this. I remever reading something saying when there is aorund 1-2% CBD in the weed it can make its effects even stronger. Fast Buds OG Kush + SeedStockers O.G. Kush these two where to be a grow off between each other and find out what one is best. They had similar growth to each other and one of them go so top heavy it bent over. I will know more about these ones once I crack the bags and give them a test once all the processing is done. OG Kush was one of the first ever strains I grew and did it very well under low wattage and blue light. It has a special spot in my heart even if I did not like the high or taste all that much as many others do. Well that is it for now. I may comeback and edit of this and add more bits. Any questions let me know in the comments or send me a DM.
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Fast_Budsweek 3
Hi there, Thank you for running this diary. Happy Harvest !!! 🌱🌱 😃
@Fast_Buds, Thanks, Got a ton more of your seeds to run outdoors as well. Next year going to try for all the same strain so when I make the hash its all the same :) Any strains you recommended for outdoors and hash making? Doing bubble hash.
Dabkingweek 3
Nice diary, pictures and review. I'll have to try some of those strains. I've grown apricot gorilla and rainbow candy from ganja farmer and both were great.
@Dabking, glad to hear it!
m0useweek 3
Side note Growdiaries is requireing me to post numbers or its withholding my green smilyface for the diary. I can not give a Watts from my lights as its an outdoor grow. Nor can I give a tent size for an outdoor grow. So guess it will forever be a yellow unhappy smiley face. So glad all these updates have made the platform better.... Google did give me this information though, alas GD does not allow these numbers as they are to big. Sun in watts = 3.86 x 10^26 Earth in Meters Squared = 5.1 x 10^14
Tmasmweek 3
👍 boa colheita, e a ver por tamanho de relatório, é 💪 😂