This is my first grow and I was expecting my plants to growing taller than this by now. It seems that they are growing slow. But I may be mistaken. Please let me know what your thoughts are on how my plants are doings, and if they should be taller than they currently are.
Don’t fret buddy, I’ve grown crop kings white widow too and had the exact same thought ; that it was so slow growing for having an advertised flowering time of 8-9 weeks. I grew four different white widows a couple times from crop king each plant flowering for over 12 weeks which I didn’t like at all. It totally put me off of crop king seeds. It was 4 extra weeks of flowering I can understand one or two but certainly not 4!
hi, Ive been looking through your Diary, and i see healthy, h appy Plants. Your Datas looking good ( PH/EC...) your Nutrient handling looks right too.
You did Topping and LST.....isee only good things, go on that track
You're looking great for 6 weeks with topping and lst. Good size and good canopy. You'll see an explosion of growth when you flip it to 12/12. Keep your temps comfy and your humidity high and youll be all good. Keep the roots happy and these will keep being beautiful plants. 😊
To answer your question:
Let met tell you that your plants look fine, they are growing out, not up, which mean that that are developing lots of branches and secondary flower sites. A squat plant is actually a good thing when growing indoors. One of the reasons they are not stretching is the low difference between lights on vs lights off temperatures, when they are close to each other, then the plant stretch very little if at all. If you want more stretching then drop the lights out temperature. Also over watering slows growth down to a crawl and you are using a very big pot, so mind that the media is dry before watering again. Keep in mind also that some strains are just genetically predisposed to grow short, specially indica heavy hybrids (like white widow). Cheers mate.
@@Athos,Thanks a lot for the speedy response. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d love to know your opinion about how many more weeks of veg I should have them in before I go 12-12 light schedule? I was worried since they’re short that they wouldn’t end up yeilding much.
@Green420room I wouldn't worry to much. I would say you are behind but not enough to do anything drastic that could harm the grow. You are on a good trajectory to end with good buds currently and I wouldn't risk that with variables you are not certain on. Just my opinion! 😎
@Green420room, i put used AC in my summer grow , i dont recommend doing that lol, worked great but man did i pay for it lol... what i did that i do recommend is getting a beast of a fan 1300m3/h 125W fan, i got one really cheap from china and one called silent TT from europe for 4x but it came with a "cooler" and a silencer in it. i do love that fan i call it big dick cop killer because it's black and beats the heat lol bad joke no offense meant. other things you can do which work less but might help is get a box fan put it on mid settings but have it facing the side of the tent directly so it cools the air through air flow but doesnt blow directly on the plants... other than that you can maybe put ice in front of your intake or duct the intake to the outside for cooler air. the honest to god truth is that if the outside of your tent is 26°C + then youre gonna have a hard time... humidity is much less important than getting the temperature correctly... ooh ! another you can do is trick the plant into thinking it's colder than it is by keeping the roots cool... how ? no idea, but this works if you can figure it out
@CRiSPrGrow, Okay yeah you’re right, that’s definitely an issue that needs to be solved. I’ve just been stuggling to try and control the temperature/humidity in the grow tent because of my humidifier not having a programable humidity level setting and from not being able to control the amount of heat that comes from the furnace into this room with the tent in it. I’m totally going to have to do more research on methods of how to control these variables but if you have any tips/how-to’s, everything is much appreciated. Thanks again for your time.
@Green420room, size wise your calculations are on point for sure, time wise i would try to basically get those environmental issues down to a T before the flip to give these ladies every chance to really blow up, 18 inches is a good number but it's also kind of a random number, i do the same thing kinda get fixated on a number when in fact it's better to just go with whatever happens organically you know. bigger plants bigger yield right? my advice, try to dial in the temp + humidity, then give it another week maybe two if you can spare the time then flip so they are 10/10 going into flower 🚀