Been a crazy week.
Inside this area I had a total of 9 bogglegums, ive been watching for males and while I was cloning I found a HERMIE. It's a little unsettling as I've read reviews about this strain having these traits. Also found a few males as well. I'mdown to 4 Bogglegum and they are all females. I've seen no other plants with male and female balls in the other genetics.
A side from that I've redone my tent (Blue Kush Journal) and Cloned all my girls, ready for another week of vegging and then if everything looks big enough I'll be flipping the cycle.
I've scarecrowed the girls and picked ~30 tops (6 per plant). Everything is looking great and because I've done the technique before, I trust that it will not fail me.
Removed very minimal lower fan leaves. From here on out I will no longer be removing fan leaves, and choosing instead to remove sucker branches that stray from the main stem by more than 2 inches.