Update 23.12:
Due to Christmas, I didn’t have time to update this diary earlier. Last week, we had to do an emergency harvest and take out 2 of the 4 plants. The reason? They somehow came into contact with pollen.
I couldn’t find any bananas, though I did notice some light brown residue on the roots. It didn’t smell, so I think it’s an early stage of root rot. Still, I can’t explain how there were so many seeds on two plants without spotting any bananas or other signs like leaf problems or poor growth.
The remaining plants are still developing and don’t have nearly as many seeds, so I’ve decided to keep them running and hope for the best. Since this is our first grow, a big harvest would’ve been amazing for us, but oh well—live and learn.
I think I already know what went wrong. The clay pebbles I used at the base of the pots didn’t provide the aeration I’d hoped for, unlike the AutoPot AirBase + Airdome system, which I’ve already bought for the next run. I also forgot to install a small air pump in the water tank to keep the water circulating and oxygenated, so it’s likely the water went stagnant. I’m confident these improvements will make the second run much better.
Funny side story:
I told my dad about all this, and he just laughed and told me to relax. Back in his day, all the weed they had was full of seeds! 😂