

2 hours ago
AC Infinity - Duct Carbon Filter 6-Inch
Air Filters
Room Type
Grow medium
Germination Method
Paper Towel
Method used by growers
Statistics by method
Avg. success - 93%
Method popularity - 40%
Purple Lemonade FF
Avg. success
Fast Buds - 93%
Purple Lemonade FF - 90%
Roots Organics Grow & Bloom
1.3 ml/l
Commented by
GbmoreGrow GbmoreGrow
2 hours ago
I purchased and germinated (2) Purple Lemonade FF seeds from Fast Buds 420, by putting the seeds in a shot glass with a cap full of peroxide and water filled to the top and put the glass in a upper kitchen cabinet for about 10hrs. I then poured the seeds on to a paper towel and sprinkled a little mykos mycorrhizae on the paper towel around the seeds. I folded the (4) sheet paper towel and placed it in a plastic ziplock bag with it opened, put it on a plate and placed it back in the cabinet. The seeds germinated the very next day...I then put them in a tiny hole within the middle of the planters pictured, under my AC Infinity EVO4, 20 inches above, set at 30% light strengh on a 18/6hr light schedule. I have renamed this strain PG13, after my lil sister who just HAD to have a strain named after her, as I've done for her big sister (my wife)...Bae*D!'s....thus, PG13*1 & PG13*2 At the moment, *2 is a little too leggy for my liking, so Im thinking of putting her in her final 5gallon air pot (seen in the pic) to cover more of her stem. Will most likely do that tomorrow...06OCT24, and leave *1 as is, just to see if its a difference...all in the name of science! Oh yeah!, I plan to mainline them both!....STAY TUNED......
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