First week!
Yeah baby this is REAL organic!
I added the rotten bananas on the second day, distributing them as in the photo around the plant because by the time its roots reach the edge the banana has already decomposed, I have done this other times so it's safe. On the 4th day I buried them a little and on the 5th day I ended up covering them with more substrate to speed up the decomposing process, I am doing superficial watering with spray and collected rainwater to maintenance all the thing.
The "banana pot" will be the main feature here! With the others appearing from time to time obviously.
I'm supplementing the lighting inside the house with white bulbs because it's raining A LOT here in Brazil.
This crop will be 100% organic as usual 👽
@TheBrazilianGuy, Sorry, I meant pre-flowers 😂
Cool to know someone else Is growing the exact same plant, at the exact same time, in pretty much the exact same stage and lifecycle 👍