Spike_KCanGcommentedweek 173 days ago
After a few conversations with a couple of community members, the nutrient problem was narrowed down to being an excess of Potassium (K).
The red wrigglers and microorganisms supplied the soil with more than enough K before she was flipped, and she burned because of that. Upon flipping her, I started her on BioBloom (P + K) and that enhanced the problem to its current state.
1. reduce the amount of K in the soil, without disturbing the organic life
2. return the plant back to a neutral and healthy state before the bloom is affected too badly
3. let the organic life do it's thing and see if that alone provides the necessary P and K
1. read MORE about vermicomposting and vermiculture 😂
2. soil - WIll NOT flush the soil but, remove BioBloom from her next feedings. After seven days it should be clear if there is still enough K in the soil or not. After 14 days, it should be clearer.
3. worms - stop actively feeding the worms fruits/vegetables. The next two weeks, they will get a nutrient neutral diet of shredded cardboard IF they appear hungry.
Wish me luck!