19 oct week 2 Day 9
Day Temp 23.1 C - Night temp 21.4 C - Humidity 43%
2 ltr feed (1 ltr per plant) - Acti vera 2ml/ - Bio Grow 4 ml/l
Apple fritter growing well, good sets of leaves, the first true node coming through and looking a good color and not stretching, fan is having a good effect to strengthen the stem. Soil topped up to about 0.5 cm below cotylodons to encourage root growth from stems. New soil is not compacted to allow good oxygenation to the wet soil below I also left the soil dry as was added after watering to hopefully reduce any negative effect of stem rot. Soil below was soaked with approx 1 ltr per pot to hopefully allow growth before the next watering which I will leave now 3-4 days.
21 oct week 2 Day 11
Quick check soil still moist so no need to water, starting to grow fast now which is great to see.
Day Temp 23C - Night Temp 21C - 41% RH
22 oct week 2 Day 12
Day 11
Quick check and feed,
Soil still slightly moist
Day Temp 23C - Night Temp - 21C - 47% RH
1 ltr approx per plant - 2 ml/l grow - 2ml/l acti vera - Ph 6.62
Water left out 24 hours to dissipate, PH was good after adding nutrients so no need to correct.
24 October Day 14