Day 43 - Other plants caught up yesterday and started drinking every 2 days to be fairly dry and light. Going to probably start feeding every day soon. Got my ACI equipment in and swapped out the old cheap inline and mars fan. Loving the ACI controller and data logging already. My CO2 meter came in, and I got it calibrated and set in a spot in the middle of my small space. My CO2 typically has been staying between ~800-1150. I also bumped my light up to 65% getting around 770 PPFD to the tops and around 740-750 PPFD to the center. All plants are ~15-16" tall. The tallest plants are now 23" from the light.
Day 44 - Starting to use Chitosan Oligosaccharide
Day 45 - Moving into feeding daily. Plant consumption has gone up a lot. Black Orchid needed 3L to be full and was way dryer/lighter than I would've liked. All other plants took 2L of feed.
Day 46 - Fed all plants with the 5Gal mix to about a liter or so run off ABZ#1 - 3L, ABZ#2 - 2L, Biscotti - 2L, Black Orchid - 2.5L. Looking like my plants decided to veg out for another week under the 12/12 and then flip. Next time, I'm going to wait out the 6 or more weeks before flipping. ABZ#2 has some fat stipules at the top. Increased light to 65%. Checked with Photone and was getting ~600 to the tops
Day 47 - Did some major cleanup that was needed and sprawled out the girls a bit to open up the center of the plants. I should've gone way heavier before flipping and also given it more time to veg, but it is what it is at this point. Not going to touch it anymore for a bit. All plants were fed until runoff again, taking about 2L to do so. Going to have to prepare another 5Gal bucket tomorrow for the next couple of days. I will do better in my next grows. Loving the process and the learning nonetheless
@Oyziphar, It's growing some buds on the stems of the fan leaves. I just noticed one of the Apple Banana Zoap doing it as well. The first time I've seen it myself out of all the mutations. Posting an update soon