Smell is back, they are drinking a lot.
1. Watered with only PH-ed water at PH 6.0.
One plant run-off water is perfekt, other 2 have still a to high run-off of PH 7-7,2. EC is 1,1-1,4mS.
Used 1ml/L Flash-Clean to reduce built up nutrients.
2. Watering with nutrients this week.
PH: 6,2; EC: 1,6mS; Run-off PH: 6,4- 7; EC: 1 - 1,1mS; Only one plant is still at PH: 7,4; EC: 1,4mS.
The intermediate soil-clean stabilitized their constitution.
Back to nutrient watering, plants reacted immediatly.
Dying leaf rate is normal.
Buds are developing fine.
Cut out some non developing mini branches.