Started Soaking 6 seeds in a shot glass filled with spring water.
Shot glass was placed on AC Infinity Suncore H3 Heat Mat and covered with a dome to help retain heat.
After 15 hours of soaking, seeds were placed on damp paper towels on a Tupperware lid.
Placed back on Suncore H3 Heat Mat and covered with dome.
12 hours later they had 3/4" tap roots and were ready to plant.
Planted in solo cups in Fox Farm Happy Frog, I added a little extra perlite.
Placed in Stealth Box where they will stay until transplant.
Within 24 hours 5 sprouted and 1 is right at the surface.
4 had stuck shells and membrane.
Put a drop of water on each, waited a couple minutes, and it pull right off.
Plant at surface looks like it might also end up with stuck shell/membrane.
The sprout that's completely open dropped it's own shell and had no stuck membrane.
First time growing Sweet Seed so I'm pretty excited to grow this strain, good indica genetics IMO.
This morning I removed the seed shell and membrane from the last sprout to come up.
Split photo shows before and after membrane removal.
5 of 6 seeds had helmet head and stuck membrane, I believe it was from planting them to shallow.
Don't see any issues as a result of it.
Added pics
Added pics
Everything's going good, 1 plant has a little damage but it will grow out of it.